15 Low Budget Ways To Relieve Stress | The Odyssey Online
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15 Low Budget Ways To Relieve Stress

A handful of ways to cool down without spending a handful of cash.

15 Low Budget Ways To Relieve Stress
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It's rare to come across someone who hasn't experienced a little bit of stress in their life. Stress is brought out in so many parts of our lives, sometimes in the most dire of circumstances. It's all around us, especially in young adults with rapidly changing life events, which can often be the cause to many stressors. Spending a wallet-load on stress relieving activities just causes more worriment, especially on a college or part-time job budget. But don't you fret — there are plenty of ways to relieve stress without breaking the bank.

1. Eat ice cream.

I am in no way advocating stress eating, but sometimes a nice, portioned cup of your favorite food might just be the solution to serenity. Ice cream happens to be a common choice across the board for what people take comfort in, so indulge for once! You can find a pint for less than a $5 bill at your local grocery store.

2. Write a stream of consciousness.

My English teacher used to make our class write a "stream of consciousness" every Friday for at least five minutes. This proved to be as healing of an experience as it was inspirational. Not only is writing anything that comes to your head for five straight minutes a cure to writer's block, but it can also ease whatever underlying tension has buried itself in your head. Just take some paper and a writing utensil, set a timer for yourself and don't lift the pen off of the paper. Write away!

3. Paint your nails.

One of my close friends once told me that painting her nails when she was stressed was her secret to stress relief, and once I started doing this when I got really stressed, I realized how quickly I de-stressed! Take a few minutes to forget about what's worrying you at that moment and take some time for yourself. Maybe even add some color to your life.

4. Bake.

Baking anything is another delicious escape from the real world for a little bit. Cookie dough or muffin mix can be found at a grocery store for very little, and it produces something you could share with friends or family who can help you out with your stress.

5. Get a stress ball.

If you can find a stress ball, pick one up! These are used for those who find it better to release stress through transferring their pressure onto an object. There are some funny-shaped stress balls out there, online or in store that can be found for relatively cheap.

6. Build or find a Spotify/Pandora stress relief playlist.

Music is a remedy for many unwanted emotions, and stress is not an exception. Search up some of your favorite artists or songs, and turn up the music until you don't feel that stress anymore. Or maybe build a playlist of feel-good songs that you can use the next time you're feeling this stressed.

7. Color.

Stress-relief coloring books are out there, and if you're not willing to pay for a full book, free pages are available all over the Internet for you to print and color. Whether it be pictures of mandalas or fish, coloring provides relief and a beautiful masterpiece to be proud of when you're finished.

8. Call a friend or family member.

Maybe being alone isn't the best way for you to handle stress — ask someone you trust for a talk, for some help or just to joke around. Social interaction just might be the cure you're looking for.

9. Listen to the "High School Musical" soundtrack.

Are all of my Odyssey articles slyly promoting "High School Musical?" Maybe.

But listening to a soundtrack or watching a movie you used to enjoy as a child could bring back some nostalgic feelings and bring back simpler times that might ease some weight from your shoulders.

Also, I'm fairly certain a few listens to "Breaking Free" can cure stress relatively quickly.

10. Get up to date with the latest memes.

Looking for a quick laugh? Check out some memes. Scour Tumblr, Instagram or your choice of social media for some fresh memes that you maybe haven't gotten the chance to look at yet.

(Memes are essentially repetitive jokes found all over the Internet)

11. Rent a rom com.

If memes aren't doing the trick, maybe a full-blown comedy would work better for you. Renting a funny movie for approx. $3 on iTunes or a related store might be exactly what you need to take your mind off of harder things going on right now. You can find plenty on Netflix too, like "Clueless" and "Stuck in Love" (two of my own favorites).

12. Two words: bubble wrap.

Approximate price: $4.35

Stress relief: Priceless

13. Run.

Physical activity will definitely help you blow off steam, and get a good workout from it too. Pace yourself above all else, but have fun! Like coloring, you will benefit from this well after you do it, which could definitely lessen stress in the future.

14. Dance around!

A second physical activity that some may find more fun than running is dancing. Dance alone in your room, take a friend out for some dancing or dance along to the "High School Musical" movie. Any dancing is good dancing. Dance that tension away.

15. Yoga.

A final physical activity that many use to de-stress or prevent stress from occurring in the first place is yoga. There are plenty of gyms or yoga centers that offer free guided yoga classes, but you can also do yoga from the comfort of your own home by watching videos on YouTube or other social media outlets. There are plenty of types of yoga out there, and there might be one that strikes your interest!

There are plenty of ways to release tension on a tense budget, and many not listed here. Try out one way or all the ways, in whatever combination that works for your lifestyle! Whether it be longterm or short-term, you will be able to relieve the stress that is bothering you and conquer your stressors. You can do this.

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