Here are some life hacks everyone can benefit by knowing. I know I have.
Don’t walk down the steps with your hands in your pockets.
I never thought anything of it until I tried walking down steps with my hands in my pockets.
When crying out for help, cry help in a specific way.
Instead of just yelling “help” yell “hey, you in the green shirt, HELP”
If you’re caught in a riptide, swim parallel to the shore, not fighting the riptide
A great hack for someone like me who can’t swim.
Keep your phone face down to save battery
Tried this and to my surprise, THIS WORKED.
Tampons can be used as water filtration.
Great way to save your life down the road.
If you’re in a trunk, kick out the tail lights to get the attention of other cars
With kidnapping at an all time high, this will SAVE YOU.
If you have food, but no water, resist the urge to eat. It’ll make you even thirstier.
Hold out, it’ll be worth it.
If you’re ever in a fire, stay low to the ground. You'll have plenty of air down there.
Heat and smoke rise. Always remember that.
If a gun is pointed at you, look them in the eyes.
They are less likely to fire at you.
Look both ways when crossing the road, even if a walk sign is saying you can go.
You can never be too careful with drivers. So many people run the red.
Always keep money in the sole of your shoes.
You'll never know when a little extra cash can help.
If you’re trapped on thin ice, lay down on your stomach and wiggle/crawl to the shore from the direction you came.
Ice is a scary thing, stay smart.
If you’re stabbed or impaled, don’t pull it out.
It keeps your blood from gushing out everywhere.
If you get lost in the desert, breathe through your nose - it’ll make you less dehydrated
Don't panic, just breathe. In through the nose, out through the mouth.
Be observant of your exits.
In case of emergency, know all exists to safely get out.