Harry Potter has been a shining light in many of our childhoods. It was probably the perfect series. As we matured, so did the plot of the award-winning films. Maybe we didn't realize it while we were focued on the whirlwind adventure that took place at Hogwarts, but the lessons it taught us were quite profound. It taught us about life, about love, and about loss. Here a few lessons that you shouldn't forget:
1. What happens when the government becomes too involved in education.
2. You don't have to be blood to be family
3. Treat unto others as you would have them treat unto you.
4. "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." - Albus Dumbledore
5. Our character, not our circumstances, is what defines us.
6. If you look for the worst in people, you will find it.
7. Love is patient.
8. Boys have eyes, but often are blind to that which is right in front of them.
9. "It is not the number of followers that determines success, but the quality of one's convictions." - Remus Lupin
10. It is never too late to be a good person.
11. People often tell others what they wish to hear themselves.
12. You always have a choice.
13. People will surprise you, if you let them.
14. All you need to have to be a hero is courage.
15. No sting is greater than that of heartbreak.
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