15 Lessons About Love for My Future Son | The Odyssey Online
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15 Lessons About Love for My Future Son

Boy you will be brought up right.

15 Lessons About Love for My Future Son

In this day and age I feel as if some boys have forgotten how to treat women. Some seem to completely disregard the feelings and well being of the girls they pretend to care about. So I must wonder what their mothers would think if they knew how their children were acting. This got me thinking about all the lessons and advice I would work effortlessly to instill into my future son. So, my future baby boy, here are 15 lessons I would like to teach you about women.

1. Care about your future:

When you are trying to impress her talk about your goals, dreams and aspirations. Nothing is sexier than a man with a plan. Girls love to envision themselves doing cool things with you in the future, and imagining how your lives would fit together. This means actually getting your shit together with some future plans.


I cannot stress this enough! Now I know you probably think this one is stupid. I can almost see your entitled teenage groans now, claiming you would "never try to do something like that". Well you and I may have different ideas of "intentional". If she gives you her heart you now have a responsibility to care for it. This means no blindsiding her and no rude or sarcastic comments when having a serious or sensitive discussion. Always be open and honest with her, and if you ever screw her over for another girl consider yourself temporarily disowned.

3. Following this, treat her heart like a tiny baby bird.

Okay I know a weird analogy but let me elaborate. Her heart needs daily TLC and ongoing protection. Don't let others get her down and if you so happen to be the one that causes her pain; fix it! Offer her some kind words of encouragement and help return that smile to her face.

4. As Tim McGraw would say "always stay humble and kind":

You don't need to be a walking mush ball but you do need to be sweet. It's also important you are confident but never cocky, there is a difference, learn it. Also allow your personal confidence to spill over into your relationship. If your girlfriend see's you're confident in the strength of your relationship with her it will really put her unintentional worries at ease.

5. Be a gentleman:

Chivalry is not dead and you are not exempt from it. Open the door for her, pull out her chair, and if she's cold always offer your coat.

6. Don't string her along:

If you really care about her but you can't be faithful or worthy of her, don't keep her around just because. Man up and be honest with her.

7. If you are lucky enough to find a sweet young lady who cares about you to no end don't screw it up!

You need to take this pretty serious. If she's invested in you, make sure you treat her like she matters.

8. Make the effort to meet her parents and make sure you bring her home to us!

It's important we are all comfortable together. Plus I'm dying to meet her!

9. Make her laugh.

This is more important than it may seem. However, a good sense of humor is never overrated. Making her laugh will make her smile which will make her happy. Let her associate you with her happiness.

10. Listen to her problems.

She is telling you for a reason and its because she trusts you! Don't take that trust for granted it was really hard for her to give to you.

11. Surprise her!

This doesn't have to require a lot of money. A spontaneous trip to the Animal Humane Society or a walk in the park is all it takes.

12. Learn her personality.

It's not hard. Just listen and learn. Figure out if she likes to be teased and how much. If she's a night person or an early bird. What drink she loves at Caribou, and what her dream puppy is. Bringing up something she told you weeks ago is really impressive.

13. If she's your girl treat her like a Queen.

She should never ever feel like she is competing with some other girl for your affection. Yes, you can have other friends that are girls, but make sure she knows just how special she is. Put your arm around her in public and kiss her lightly on the cheek. Show her off in front of your friends, and let her know what you love about her! She may shy away from your compliments but trust me they are appreciated.

14. Comfort her when she's sad.

Trust me kid, she wants nothing more than to be wrapped in your arms while being told everything will be okay. Wipe her tears and hold her close, your relationship will grow because of it. Sometimes she will be unreasonable and throw a fit, but just remember she just needs to cool down. Don't hold her emotions against her. Just remember how much you care about each other when things get tough.

15. Above all remember this is someone's daughter.

Don't mess with her feelings and if you tell her you care about her you better be sure you mean it. She is a special girl, I know this because she chose to be with you. You are my son and she is someone else's precious little girl. Don't screw her over or mess with her emotions.

Okay lecture over. Your mom just knows what it feels like to have her heart broken in two and I won't let you do the same. Be genuine, caring, and honest. Care for her and I promise she will return the favor. Nothing will make me prouder. Love you kiddo!

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