Since last year when I got caught up in watching this fantasized representation of real world governments and politics, how I see the real world has changed. With each gruesome scene along with tragedy and more tragedy, a lot of things just aren't the same anymore. As much as I can wish to walk away from a show that constantly plays with my nerves and emotions, I can't. Instead, I'll just tell you how it's tainting my mind.
1. I will never look at twins who are the opposite sex from each other the same.
But I know not to watch twins who are too close too closely.
2. My "never want to see a child suffer or die" rule went straight out the window.
3. Everything and everyone you love will die.
4. But if you pray or curse at the TV enough they MIGHT come back.
*But don't get your hopes too high.
5. Drinking (wine) helps you know things.
This is my new goal in life.
6. Knowledge isn't power...
7. I need a direwolf.
8. The freezing cold does not mean that it's winter.
9. Fire (and dragons) is truly the most powerful weapon.
10. I can never hold the door for anyone. Ever. Again.
11. In order to survive you must become no one.
"All men must die."
12. Seriously.
So cover your eyes.
13. Some people deserve their deaths.
No matter who issues the blow.
14. Get out of the game before it's too late!
15. You won't like the end game!
Thank you Game of Thrones. Our unhealthy relationship has helped me see the world in new way, ways I never though I would see the world. Don't ever change because you are molding me to sit on the Iron Throne!