As a senior in college I am starting to figure out things that I wish I would have known as a freshman. Maybe it's a right of passage, and now that I am figuring this all out, maybe it's time to move on.
Here are the things I wish I would have known.
1) The earlier you complete your FAFSA the more benefits you will receive.
2) Become friends with your professor because you're going to need recommendation letters.![]()
3) Make sure you have a plan and a routine as a freshman.
You should try to think about your end goal. For example: If you want to go to Med School take the MCAT your JUNIOR year.
4) You don't have to go Greek.![]()
You can find real friends in your major. It's not necessary to go Greek in order to have that college experience.
5) Don't buy the textbooks every time.![]()
Save your money and wait to see if the Professor just reads off his slides.
6) The gym is free.
Take advantage of this. Say no to freshman fifteen!
7) Stay organized and do not throw away a semester's worth of grades and reports.
You will need these. I keep all of
8) There is always free food, you just gotta find it.
9) Certain stores will give you discounts if you have your Student ID. ![]()
Hello, I need this I'm a broke college student.
10) If you go to school near home, live at home.
There will be less stress and money involved this way. Plus... free food.
11) Focus. Try not to let other distractions get in your way of success.
Say "no" to parties and extra shifts if you have to. The end result will be worth it.
12) Dress appropriately. ![]()
Have you ever heard of the term "dress for success"? I'm not saying you can't wear a sweatshirt, just try wear clothes that fit appropriately.
13) It gets easier.
Freshman year is tough, its supposed to be. You're learning study habits and trying to make new friends. By the time you are a senior you will have some of it somewhat figured out.
14) There are so many other places besides the library to study on campus.
15) Get advice from students! ![]()
Lean on your advisers but value the opinion of your peers. Ask about professors and classes from those who have been there and done that.