This second year of college has been quite the turn-out. It's been harder than anything I've ever experienced and now I feel much prepared for next semester, when I'm barely even going to have time to eat. So here is my favorite character in the history of American television narrating my sophomore year of college.
1. My response to my friend who ensured we were getting an A in stats.
No way in hell that was ever happening.
2. Trying to make an excuse for going out the night before an exam.
3. But then remembering what I did last night and realizing I'm content with my decision.
4. Right before an exam that I was up all night studying for.
This means war.
5. Responding to, "Well maybe if you studied harder you would have gotten the grade you wanted."
6. Something I wanted to say to my professor after they gave me a B on something I thought I was getting an A on.
*smothers screams in head*
7. But a week later they give me an A on an assignment I thought I was going to fail.
*sheds a single tear*
8. Sometimes considering becoming a drug dealer because I can't find a job.
I've thought about it.
9. Going into an exam I definitely only studied for about an hour before.
10. Walking out of an exam with my friend thinking I aced a test.
*eagles fly out behind me*
11. When my roommates tell me I need to have some fun.
I won't deny that.
12. What I want to do for all of the TA's that answered my nonsensical questions.
I apologize so...
13. Riding out of Laramie after finals like...
*wind kissing my hair*
14. Carefully warning my parents about that possibly sub-par GPA.
I'm so sorry.
15. And finally looking back on all of the wonderful memories I have made!
It was one hell of a ride.
So thank you Sophomore year for a very interesting semester, can't wait for more!