It's October, and you know what that means. Halloween! Well...not quite yet. Halloween is still pretty much a month away, and if you carve your pumpkins now, they'll be rotten by the 31st. In the meantime, your classes are becoming more rigorous, midterms are rolling around, and you may feel the stress piling up. Luckily, there is still plenty worth celebrating during this fine month. Here are some obscure October holidays that you (and the rest of the world) probably don't know about. Keep it festive, folks.
1. National Homemade Cookies Day (October 1st)
Those packaged sugar cookies with the shapes aren't going to cut it. Grab your measuring cups and your mixing bowl and get baking--it isn't procrastinating your homework, it's observing a national holiday. It just happens to be a delicious one.
2. Name Your Car Day (October 2nd)
This one can be extended to "Name Your Mode of Transportation Day." You can still celebrate by naming your bike. Or your roller blades (you need two names, then!). Or your most frequently ridden city bus. You could even rename the University of Minnesota buses (really, "University Circulator" isn't exactly trendy).
3. National Frappe Day (October 4th)
Go ahead, treat yourself to that sugary, blended beverage that the coffee snobs turn their nose at. It's National Frappe Day, dang it.
4. National Kale Day (October 5th)
It's a superfood; of course it gets its own holiday! Here's a sizable list of kale recipes, so there's no reason you can't celebrate (while feeling like an absolute health warrior).
5. World Smile Day (first Friday of the month, October 7th)
Smile at your classmates. Smile at your professor in the hallway. Smile at the strangers you pass on the street. Induce a smile by telling a joke. It'll brighten someone else's day, and yours as well.
6. Leif Erikson Day (October 9th)
If the only place you know Leif Erikson from is Spongebob, here's some further info to inform you before the big day.
7. National Angel Food Cake Day (October 10th)
"But angel food cake is a summer dessert!" That's what a quitter says. Prove them wrong--here's a lovely pumpkin angel food cake recipe. Let the festivities commence.
8. It's My Party Day (October 11th)
This one is vague...really, it's up to you how you want to go about celebrating this holiday. Balloons? Totally. Cake? Sounds good, there are probably leftovers from yesterday, anyways. Solo dance party? Sounds rockin'. It's all up to you!
9. National Dessert Day (October 14th)
Your angel food cake is probably gone by now...guess it's time to do some more baking. No complaints.
10. Dictionary Day (October 16th)
Learn a new word! Then go out of your way to use it in at least five sentences throughout the day. To celebrate this holiday with friends, the game "dictionary" is a hoot and a half.
11. National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day (October 21st)
I don't care if you're tired of baking. It is national pumpkin cheesecake day and therefore you are required to make one.
12. "Punk for a Day" Day (October 25th)*
Break out your metal spikes and chain-link clothing, punk. Pull up the punk station on Spotify. Give a moody glare to anyone who questions your style choices. Hope your heavy eye makeup comes off by tomorrow.
*It is also World Pasta Day...but pasta isn't that punk.
13. Plush Animal Lover's Day (October 28th)
Walk to the nearest park and ask to pet every single dog that walks by. You know you wanted to do this anyway, and now it's okay because it's a holiday.
14. Hermit Day (October 29th)
Finally, an excuse not to leave your room for a whole day.
15. Increase Your Psychic Powers Day (October 31st)
Yes, it is Halloween, but don't forget, it's also "Increase Your Psychic Powers" Day. Time to make a horoscope.