Pretty much every person in this world with a soul loves animals- especially dogs. They're just so lovable, and if you're anything like me, you say "hi" to every dog you pass on the street and squeal to your friends when you spot a cutie. But if there's one thing better than a cute dog, it's a stupid cute dog.
One of my all-time favorite internet trends is dog-shaming, where pet owners take pictures of their dogs with a sign describing the crime committed, almost like a mugshot. Dog owners from all over the country have been shaming their dogs for their idiotic actions with these photos, and it's extremely entertaining.
So whether you're taking a break from homework, or it's two in the morning and you're reading random Odyssey articles, or you're just a dog lover looking for a laugh, here are some of the funniest instances of dog-shaming for you to enjoy.
1. Leg-Licker
Don't let this dog give you a kiss, no matter how cute he is.
2. Meet the Farkers
This pup has so much judgement in his eyes towards his owner, who has probably been obsessing over getting the perfect shot for at least five minutes. But hey, at least the owner doesn't fark.
3. Savage
I seriously had to read this one twice. If I had been drinking something at the time, I surely would have spit it out after reading this.
4. Petroleum Pup
I don't even want to think about what this must look like.
5. Rug Ruiner
Look at that smug look on his cute little face! He sure is proud to show off his masterpiece. Dog-shaming: backfired.
6. When You're Not Looking
This dog is winking at the camera. I repeat: this dog is winking.
7. Peculiar Tastes
The timing of this photo is just impeccable.
8. It Ain't Easy Being Cheesy
Hey, this dog's pretty smart when you think about it. Instead of puking on the floor, she went for the hole in the ground, thinking she could hide the mess. She must love her owners so much (or she must be so ashamed of herself that she needed to hide the evidence).
9. A Dysfunctional Relationship
Inter-species shaming at its finest.
10. Questionable Intentions
This dog is just a cold-blooded killer.
11. Softie
Aww, at least the poor little guy looks guilty about it.
12. The Expert Gift-Giver
Not quite sure what the problem here is. The pup's just trying to show his genuine love and appreciation! I, for one, would love to receive a frozen dead squirrel.
13. Family Bonding
The culprit looks so proud of herself. Her sisters, on the other hand, do not look too pleased.
14. Clever Prankster
Why does this dog look like he's posing for a picture for his Tinder profile?! "Hey ladies, I'm just a laid-back kind of guy who loves kids and a good prank from time to time. Hit me up ;)"
15. Dynamic Duo
Seems like left-pup is stuck doing all the dirty work while right-pup gets the real benefits. Now that just doesn't seem fair.
Thanks to for providing these hilarious pictures!