15 Halloween Movies on Netflix for Wimps Like Me
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15 Halloween Movies on Netflix for Wimps Like Me

It's okay to pick Marnie in Halloweentown over Michael Myers in Halloween.

15 Halloween Movies on Netflix for Wimps Like Me

I don't know about you, but I'm a huge scaredy-cat when it comes to horror movies. I'm assuming since you clicked on this article that something about blood curdling screams, serial killer pop-outs, and gory masks kinda freak you out too. And being in the midst of the Halloween season, it's hard to be the only one at the party that doesn't want to watch "The Conjuring" or has to cover their eyes for 90% of "Lights Out". Well, have no fear! Because here's a list of Halloween movies that are not only available on Netflix, but aren't really that scary! These movies won't give you nightmares but will still get you in the Halloween spirit so you can enjoy the season!

1. "Corpse Bride" (2005)

We're starting this list with one of my favorite movies ever. This wild Tim Burton film involves a corpse bride (who would have guessed) and a reluctant Victor who is accidentally wed to her while rehearsing his vows in the woods. She then takes him on a journey to the colorful underworld as they try to solve her own murder and get him back aboveground to his living bride.

2. "Sleepy Hollow" (1999)

Another creepy Tim Burton film that mixes horror, romance, and fantasy and features an incredible cast of characters that play with the supernatural.

3. "Tucker and Dale vs. Evil" (2010)

This one is just too good. Please watch. They do a fantastic job of mixing horror and comedy!

4. "Practical Magic" (1998)

Every man that falls in love with Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman as modern-day witches, tragically dies. This film is about their dramatic journey trying to uplift this family curse!

5. "Odd Thomas" (2013)

Played by eye-candy actor, Anton Yelchin, a fast food cook in a small town has the ability to see and talk to dead people.

6. "The Addams Family" (1991)

Do I even need to discuss this one? It's a classic. If you haven't seen it, wyd? If you have, go watch it again.

7. "Hotel Transylvania 2" (2015)

This is more of a children's movie but it's definitely one of my guilty pleasures. It's a sequel that follows vampire Mavis and human husband Johnny with their half-human son to discover if he will be a monster, human, or both! It's super cute and a good watch for a gloomy, October night when you need a pick me up!

8. "Sweeney Todd" (2007)

Another Tim Burton film. This one definitely has some gory scenes since the main character Sweeney Todd is a murderous barber, buuuuuuttttt, it's a musical! The random breaking out into song and dance never fails to lighten a mood.

9. "Scary Movie 2" (2001)

Every movie in the "Scary Movie" franchise is a great one but this one in particular parodies the famous horror films, "Poltergeist", "The Amityille Horror", "The Exorcist", and "The Haunting".

10. "Scary Movie 3" (2003)

Also a hilarious spoof with stars like Anna Farris, Charlie Sheen, Kevin Hart, Pamela Anderson and more.

11. "Housebound" (2014)

I'd recommend watching this one with a buddy. It has humor to help with the horror, but it's probably one of the scarier ones on this list.

12. "Goosebumps" (2015)

Jack Black plays R.L. Stine in this wonderful remake and works together with his daughter and their neighbor to gather around all the monsters from his books after they are accidentally unleashed on their town.

13. "Heathers" (1989)

High school drama taken too far. Winona Ryder. Pretty little suicide notes. What else do I need to say to convince you to watch this?

14. "Zombeavers" (2014)

I'll be honest, this is one I haven't seen before. But vacationing students getting attacked by blood-thirsty, undead beavers sounds like a good laugh to me.

15. "Sharknado" (2013)

This movie is about a tornado so powerful that it sucks up part of the ocean, literally tossing sharks all over the cities and killing people. One of the funniest and worst movies I've ever seen. 10/10 would definitely recommend.

(Also be sure to check out the sequels, "Sharknado 2" and "Sharknado 3" AND "Sharknado 4". They're not on Netflix, but definitely worth the rental for more laughs.)

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