Every year for Halloween, there are certain scary movies you need to be watching. If you're reading this thinking you're too late because Halloween has passed, you're wrong. You still need to watch these movies. The devil inside you will thank you.
1. Urban Legend
A fairly cheesy slasher, but an easy one to start with.
2. Scream
Not as cheesy or easy to watch, but it does have some humor thrown in to lighten the mood every now and then.
3. Insidious
This one's a doozy, but you can't hide from it forever. Beware: that devil face still gives me nightmares.
4. The Conjuring
Another doozy, but it has a good story to go along with the jump scares.
5. The Orphan
Number one on the list of creepiest children in horror movies.
6. Pet Sematary
Another creepy child, tied with the Orphan, above.
7. The Shining
More of a thriller but still Halloween-worthy for its scare factor.
8. The Ring
The creepiest of the creepy... at least until you watch the next one.
9. The Grudge
Seriously. This one takes preparation.
10. It Follows
Not as scary as the rest, but a modern film that deserves mad props for a creative plot.
11. Psycho
The original slasher movie.
12. Saw
For anyone who wanted more gore.
13. Nightmare on Elm Street
The special effects make it a little less scary, but its still a classic horror.
14. Friday the 13th
At least Halloween can't fall on Friday the 13th.
15. Halloween