YouTuber Gus Johnson describes most of his videos as "creamy memes," which is both unsettling and oddly accurate.
After spending some time watching his videos, there's a bit of warmth in your heart. Between the mix of dad jokes, puns and general tom-foolery, he seems to have perfected the art of short comedy videos -- and without being a 'viner'.
Gus is always a great go-to when watching videos with friends, and his content always ensures laughs. These are a few of my personal favorites that I hope everyone else will enjoy as much as I do.
1. Kent Has A Problem
This is one of the best Gus Johnson videos, in my opinion. The first time I saw it, I laughed so hard I cried. I eventually forgot the name of the video, and upon finding it again for this article, I almost cried again.
2. Local Driver Discovers Turn Signal
This is incredibly relevant -- all the time -- since people all over God's green earth can't seem to use turn signals.
3. Police! Pull Over!
Let's be honest: no one can deny a good pun.
No matter your stance on weed, this video is hilarious. The bagged mixed salad, the mispronunciations, the ending, and everything else here is pure gold. For some reason, millennials really like satirical humor using the word marijuana.
5. Crazy Roommate Cup Prank
This was one of my first Gus Johnson videos. I thought it was so stupid, and that's exactly why I fell in love with it. It's such simple humor, but it gets me every time.
6. Lit Caesars
Everyone likes reading half-burnt-out store front signs, but someone took it literally.
7. A Statement Of Freedom
This is pretty much every Facebook post for the past two years summed up in one video, and it's perfect.
8. Tyler No
If you were looking for a fun description or some kind of memory or opinion on this video... I have nothing. You just have to watch it.
9. Never Gonna Give You Cup
Remember when the cup song was popular? Remember when Rick Rolling was popular, too?
10. Getting Ready To Fight
This is an incredibly accurate (and funny) recreation of how fights go.
11. Man Gets T-Boned At Intersection
You still can't deny a good pun.
12. TV For Sale
This was another "first" in my introduction to Gus Johnson. Not knowing much about Gus' humor at the time, I didn't even see the punchline coming -- which I really should have.
13. Revolutionary Classroom Presentation
Honestly, if we could all give presentations like this, I would have very few complaints.
14. He Got Away
Those in home chair lift things are so much fun to make fun of, and Gus knew just how to use it. Also, the breathing he does as he slowly makes his way up just kills me.
15. Vera Bradley
It's a perfect play on words, and that's all I gotta say about that.
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