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15 Great Halloween Costumes For The Typical College Duo

Time to get spooky with your boo!

15 Great Halloween Costumes For The Typical College Duo

Sometimes it's difficult to figure out what to be for Halloween especially when you have to come up with a costume for two. But worry no more for I've come up with the ultimate list of great couple costumes.

Don't worry, if you're hitting Halloween solo, these costumes can even work for just a friend duo.

Harley Quinn and the Joker


You can even mix it up by doing different variations of the characters.

Wonder woman and Superman


Everyone will know exactly who you are because this duo is one of the most popular ones in the superhero world.

Batman and Robin


Talk about simple!

Any couple can make this their own and rock it.

Gru and Minion 


This is original and with a mask like that, you'll definitely get lots of attention.

Pikachu and Ash Ketchum


The cutest couple costume out there and it can be gender-neutral.

Mario and Luigi


You could even have the whole Mario crew with you by getting friends to be Peach, Bowser, and Toad.

Popeye and Olive Oyl


You can never go wrong with classic cartoon characters.

Mickey and Minnie Mouse


This is perfect for duos who are obsessed with Disney.

The Incredibles


Since the movie came out a few months ago, everyone will know who you are and think that your costume is super cute! So, go for it and dress up as Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl.

Jack Daniels and Coke


Who doesn't love a good drink?

Cosmo and Wanda


Everyone needs a little "Fairly Odd Parents" in their life.

Ken and Barbie


Get all dolled up for the night & be the head turner of the party.

Steve and Blue


Steve might've gone to jail but the show must go on!

Netflix and Chill


Honestly, the laziest and most simple costume to make — all you need is a red shirt and a white shirt and bam, you're good to go!

The Purge

To finish the list with something on the spookier side, this will impress everyone at the Halloween party and probably scare a few people, too!

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