The moment my alarm goes off and I remember that I signed up for 8 a.m. classes.... Every day of the week.
When the professors make attendance mandatory and a part of your final grade.
The only accurate response to 8 a.m. classes.
When each of my professors decides to give a test within a two-day span.
My response to my mom or dad calls me to ask if I'm doing okay with being on my own and having to "adult".
How it feels studying during test week and realizing you might flunk out of college altogether.
What I want to do when I'm doing online homework but the wifi is down.
"How are you doing so far this semester?"
When it's Tuesday night, you have three tests in the next few days, along with homework and quizzes, and your friend asks you to go out with them.
Going to class, tests, homework, quizzes, having a social life, eating, and getting enough sleep to function has all of us feeling like this at this point in the semester.
Test week=stress eating.
When someone senses that I'm losing my mind/stressing way too much and asks how I'm doing.
And once the weekend arrives....