This election has been ridiculous by all accounts, and it has been more tense than any election I have been alive to experience. Instead of all of the hype with the election being on the 8th, let's take a look back through some of the funniest headlines I have ever seen.
None of these are from the Onion or any other satirical websites. Check for the link to each article below.
Now we all know that the internet thinks Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer, but what about an alien? Who else would by 100 cans of soup except a being that hasn't grasped our way of life? Apparently, Ted Cruz did.
Nope. Guess he's the Zodiac Killer. Thanks, Florida.I'm not sure how Hitler got brought into line with Jeb Bush, but here we go. Doctor Who already shows us how this works out, Jeb. Let's leave this one alone.
On a more positive note, Hillary might be looking for a girlfriend, ladies! Better take a look.
Come on then, Hulk Hogan. We've seen weird this election season. You would be better than Mike Pence.
And here I thought we were bigger than these sort of jokes.
Now I'm a Bernie supporter myself, but this is a bit much. At least they both looked sharp for the big night.
If you were interested in keeping Bernie with you all the time though, I think this is a far better option. Might be a little awkward to explain to your significant other..I hope you're doing alright, Pope Francis. Don't let him scare you too much!I'm lucky to remember my own parents' birthdays. Oops..To save the day, a giant meteor! They had to clarify that this was not the Onion because almost 25% of us millennials would prefer a meteor strike to either of our big choices.This one isn't quite from the election, but I couldn't resist. I hope I don't have toupee the price.
We all need ponies, after all. And time travel research, zombie preparedness, and mandatory tooth brushing laws. That's his platform anyways. #VerminSupreme2016
Now I know this is only fifteen headlines, but there's so many more. The Week has a list of 95 headlines they've published about Donald Trump in the last year alone that will give everyone a giggle.