Now that everyone's starting to take Fall a bit more seriously with Halloween past and Thanksgiving coming, it's time for knee high boots, scarves, and cozy sweaters to come into play! Well, as a master at finding the most comfortable way to go about these cold, short days, I am going to teach you how to stay fluffy, warm and huggable apparel I have spotted and even bought (sorry, mom).
1. Let's start with the basic, fluffy, sheep-like hoodie:
It's cozy and makes everyone around you want to hug you!
2. The Pom Pom Blanket!!!:
Incase you ever feel lonely or having the coziest movie night ever, this is the perfect accessory!
If these aren't what you want to put your feet into after wearing boots or sneakers all day, I don't think you're doing it right.
4. Funky Earmuffs to let people know you have a fun-side:
I bet your ears suddenly feel cold and you're reaching for your credit card now...
5. To go along with your fluffy blanket, here is a fluffy pillow:
While you're writing your final papers, and doing that math homework that was due last week, I think we all need one of these to lean on and make us feel better.
6. So now that you can imagine yourself cuddling in bed with blankets and pillows, when you step out, you'll want a nice rug to step onto:
It looks like snow but feel so much better!7. Stuffed Animals for the holidays:
I know, I know, we're all in college and no one sleeps with one anymore... BUT, they're so fluffy and cute, how could you not want one next to you?8. Socks!
For those of you that thought UGGs were the most comfortable wool there was, you are wrong. Australia's Merino wool is the softest wool EVER and everything there is to die for!9. This VEST:
Perfect for a night out in the city or even a darty let's be honest! It's just super warm and makes everything stressful on your life go away! (kinda)
10. A Fluffy keychain just to make your dorm room keys a bit less depressing:
How could you not enjoy a little puff ball waiting for you every time you reach for your keys?
11. The beanbag chair of the century:
If this isn't where you would want to do your homework or nap or just chill, once again, you're doing it wrong.
12. The fluffiest way to organize your life:
How could you not want to have a fluffy alternative of a box to keep all of your other non fluffy things hidden?
13. Fluffy chairs!
Because finals are coming and we all know you wont survive without these...
14. Fluffy Stockings:
To stuff all of your other fun fluffy things inside of!
15. Fluffy Pancakes:
Bet you weren't expecting this, but last and definitely not least, Fluffy pancakes available mainly in Japan, slowly making its way to America are absolutely AMAZE!