Finals week can be tough, but knowing that the semester is over makes it all better. Here are a few gifs that will help with the smiling:
1. After walking out of the last final:
2. When you thought it could not get worse than the organic chem final but then the professor puts the grades in (I recommend hugging your friends while checking grades)
3. My brain after finals are finished
4. Me trying to wake myself up after many sleepless night spent studying
5. Dancing your way into summer like
6. After all the coffee I drank for my 8 am final kicks in
7. Upcoming summer days be like
8. After the last final but then you realize your summer class starts in a week
9. When your parents ask if you did well
10. When the finals grades are posted it and you realize you messed up the easiest questions
11. After not having time to eat because all you have been doing is studying but it is finally over
12. When someone says can you believe how old we are going to be
13. When you realize you have to leave your friends for the summer
14. But then you realize you get to see your dogs
15. This is going to me for the next 3 months (not really but it is a hopeful thought)
Have a safe and blessed summer!!