Four months of working as a cashier in a fast food restaurant has taught me much about American culture. We are truly a throw away society that relies heavily on convenience. Everyone wants something immediately. I just wish you could see that what you want sometimes conflicts with what the customer behind you wants. I wish you would take the time to consider that the people working behind the counter can only do so much. In honor of all the frustrated fast food industry workers out there, here are 15 things I wish I could say to customers.
1. I don’t control the prices.
Please don’t get angry at me when your total is higher than you expected.
2. I can’t afford to lose this job over your expired coupon.
That's just selfish of you to ask. I really can't accept it.
3. I can’t make the manager come any faster.
Are you really sure you want a 49-cent refund? Really?
4. Please clean up after yourself.
Would you let your kids smear ketchup on the wall at a sit down restaurant? I don’t think so.
5. I wish you would tell me you spilled something.
I understand that accidents happen. I’d much rather deal with it immediately than come back two hours later to find a sticky dried soda puddle.
6. Please don’t give me more money after I start making change.
7. I’m a human being.
Please don’t yell at me like I’m subhuman because your fries are cold.
8. I make mistakes too.
I’d be happy to fix your order if I got it wrong, but please ask politely.
9. If you order two dozen sandwiches during a lunch rush, don’t expect them to be ready.
It’s just not possible. Even fast food is not that fast.
10. Don’t order enough food to feed a small army from the drive through.
My job depends on making sure you get your food within 90 seconds, and I can't swing that.
11. Please don’t make a mess while I’m in the process of cleaning the bathroom.
Just please. That is not worth minimum wage.
12. I have no control over the broken milkshake machine.
It does as it pleases. I cannot tame the beast.
13. I can’t read your mind.
I ring up exactly what you order. Please be clear. At a restaurant that serves 10 different kinds of sandwiches with beef patties I need something more specific than “one of those burgers.”
14. Why do you need 15 packets of barbecue sauce? Why?
We all know you're just going to leave six of them on the table. Later I'll just be scraping them off the floor. That's the only way this ends.
15. I appreciate polite customers.
When you smile and ask me how I’m doing, it makes my day. Thank you.