State Patty's weekend is one of the most anticipated weekends on any Penn State student's calendar. The student-led holiday has been around for 10 years and is always sure to exceed any expectations you may have. Since many students dedicate themselves to THON the weekend prior to this holiday, this weekend is the first time out and about for many in quite some time. Not only is State Patty's a celebration after THON, but it's a celebration the weekend before spring break. As you might imagine, things are bound to be a little bit crazy.
The one, the only Kermit the Frog explains 15 things every Penn State student experiences during State Patty's weekend:
1. Waking up in the morning:
Yaaaassss, it's finally here! The weekend I have waited for all spring semester.
2. Arriving at the pre-game:
3. 20 seconds later when you see your best friend across the room:
OMG hi! Let's scream and act totally dramatic as if we didn't just see each other yesterday! I love you soooo much!
4. After you take that first sip of jungle juice:
Wow, this is literally great.
5. When the drunk girl in the bathroom starts telling you how pretty you are:
*Cue happy tears* You are such a wonderful soul, where did you come from?
6. Trying to take a selfie to remember these amazing times:
"Take a picture of me!"
7. When you see a dude you know show up at the bar with some chick who is not his girlfriend:
It's none of my business, but where's your gf at?
8. When the juice starts kicking in and all you want to do is dance:
Guys watch this move...
9. When your friends start telling you, "Keep going! You got this!":
Pls send help. I really don't got this.
10. Questioning every decision you've made so far today:
What have I done? What happened these past few hours? How did I get here?
11. Me: Go home right now:
Me to me: No stay.
Me: But I think I'm -
Me to Me: I said stay.
12. When that "I'm about to pass out" feeling starts to hit:
Am I even real at this point?
13. Finally getting home and into your cozy bed:
So comfy. I could sleep forever.
14. Realizing you have a 12-page paper due tomorrow at 8 a.m.:
Oh crap.
15. Realizing you have to wait a whole year to do it all again:
It was a good run, State Patty's 2017, and I'm glad our favorite green friend got to join us this year.