There are a million terrible things going on in the world, but really… is there anything worse than people? I mean, it sounds petty, but come on. Nine of ten people become annoyed at least once a day. That statistic is not based on any research, but it sounds realistic, right? People are annoying, but these 16 types of individuals are the worst.
1. Slow Drivers
Beep, beep! You are the reason that horrendous road rage exists. Thanks a lot.
2. People Who Don’t Wash Their Hands
Can you feel the germs and bacteria crawling all over you?
3. Loud Chewers/ Those Who Chew With Their Mouths Open
I prefer to see food sitting nicely on a plate, as opposed to seeing it in your mouth.
4. People Who Drag Their Feet
The sound that this makes is almost worse than nails on a chalk board. Yikes.
5. Slow Walkers
6. Nose Pickers
Literally, just why?
7. People Who Don’t Cover their Mouth
Say it, don’t spray it.
8. Loud Talkers
I know all your secrets now.
9. People Who Don’t Hold the Door
It’s okay. I wasn’t just trying to enter the building. It’s no big deal, really?
10. Those Who Only Talk About Politics
*Aggressively rolls eye.*
11. Fidgety People
Please find another way to channel your energy.
12. People Who Don’t Flush
I just literally cannot.
13. Complainers/ Whiners
Oh, suck it up. You’ll be fine.
14. Those With Bad B.O.
If you can afford a Frappucino, you can afford deodorant.
15. Impolite People
Why ya gotta be so rude?
If you are one of these people, I would strongly advise you to make some serious changes. If you are frequently annoyed by these type of individuals, do not worry. You are not alone! People can be annoying. That won’t ever change, but at least, we can laugh at ourselves and move on with our lives!