When your self improvement is pushed aside, your quality of life is affected. The busier us humans tend to get means that we do not necessarily take time out of our day to treat and better ourselves. Here are 15 simple steps to self improve and challenge ourselves daily.
1. Drink More Water
Not only is H2O great to help regulate your body, but it is the number one best thing you can do for yourself. Whether it gives you great skin, keeps your temperature level, or helps your energy rise, nothing can beat the effects of water.
2. Give Often
Sometimes a good wake up call to others is the gift of giving. If you put others before yourself, you realize that you may actually love the reaction of shock and surprise. The gratitude you receive is rewarding enough.
3. Write
The act of writing your feelings and journaling each day has the ability to organize and give clarity to your life. You will not forget your past.
4. Accept Your Mistakes
Most people are held back daily due to past mistakes. Get over it. Make a hundred more mistakes and then learn from them. This is your one chance in life.
5. Clean Your Room
A clean space is a happy space. Declutter and organize to help relieve daily stress.
6. Shut off the TV and Any Electronics
People miss out on real human interactions and adventures due to the obsession with what we may miss out on. People have now substituted real life with the online one. Now it's time to shut those off for a day and spend some time outside, doing things you usually wouldn't do.
7. Make a Goal
To improve yourself you must be open to working towards a goal. Commit yourself to that goal daily and soon it will become a habit.
8. Nap
Not only does it help us escape from our stress of the day, but naps are known to boost productivity and help your memory. Enough said.
9. Wake Up Early
Waking up one hour early for one full year saves you more than two weeks of things you could be doing. Go you!
10. Forgive Others
Nobody likes to hold a burden on their shoulders when angry at others. Let go of the tension and move on, you're only human.
11. Read
Challenging and using your brain daily is essential to be mentally strong longer. Reading helps your brain be active and reduce stress. Get involved in a new book and you'll be benefitted more than you realize.
12. Drink More Coffee
If you're a coffee drinker like me, try different types and flavors. The one thing I cannot live without is my coffee.
13. Ask For Help
Never be ashamed to reach out to people for help. Everyone needs a boost once in a while. You're doing the best you can.
14. Invest Energy in the Present
Nothing gets accomplished dwelling on the past.
15. Reflect on Progress
Everyday is a new day, so make the progress count. Believe in yourself and you will soon improve your life.