Finals week is by far the worst week that radically transforms the overall environment of every campus each and every semester. You can sense the fear and state of utter stress on almost everyone's face, but unfortunately, it comes around after every semester to make us all feel like absolute failures. Most of us would rather walk down a path of Legos barefoot than have to study for finals that realistically have nothing to do with what we want to do in life. Well, here's something to think about throughout this awful week: you are not alone. Here are some things that everyone doesn't want to do but always ends up doing during finals week.
1. Say you are going to start studying way before you actually do.
2. Have a terrifying moment where you have the hard realization of how little time you have to actually study.
3. Begin saying “Sorry, I can’t I’m at finals” just to get out of things.
4. After spending long tedious hours studying for tests that have nothing to do with your chosen career path, you begin debating if college is even worth it.
5. Sad cry as you eat an excessive amount of pizza and junk food as you realize the lack of human interaction you’ve had as you sit in the same sweatpants that you’ve been wearing for the past few days.
6. Come to terms that you’re just going to flunk out of school.
7.Spend all your extra money on caffeine and snacks to get you through sleep deprivation.
8. Say you are going to take a quick nap, then wake up several hours later…
9. Go days on end looking a little homeless.
10. Sit anxiously as your professor passes out exams and wonder if you break out in tears or fake being sick if he/she will just give you a break.
11. Stare hopelessly at your exam and question if you know anything at all.
12. Accept the fact that you probably sucked on all of these exams even when you know deep down you probably equally sucked in comparison to all of your classmates.
13. Prepare a little speech to tell your parents when they ask you how you did this semester.
14. After all your exams are all said and done, a very equal mix of celebration mode and sleep deprivation mode quickly set in.
15. Excessively check your grades to see if your exam grades have posted all the while partially accepting the fact that your GPA is about to drop.
Although this process is stressful don’t forget that you are going to survive and dominate one of the most stressful weeks of the year.