Donald Trump is a man of many faces (that share similar attributes to many objects and animals we see everyday) it's no wonder we can't seem to escape his tiny hands.
1. This cat
2. This ear of corn
Not a toupe, you say?
3. This bird??
At least I think it's a bird...
4. This bunny who is not having ANY of it
He's probably angry because Trump stole his look, and later denied it.
5. This cheesy beaver
Poor guy was just trying to smile
6. An angry cat
7. This dog
Oddly enough, it looks like the exact same toupe...
8. This smushed vegan butter
How is this SO spot on?
9. A troll doll
Both rejected from our parents' childhoods...
10. This dramatic horse
"HAY, boy."
11. This rubber chicken
12. A gremlin
I once told a girl she looked like a gremlin in a fight, I won.
13. This Thing
Honestly what are either of them?
14. This pancake baby
Pancake of toupe? You decide.
15. This donut that represents America's current political situation
For a man that his supporters like to call "unique," he sure seems to look like a lot of things.