Look, I know that "Doctor Who" is overrated. I know it's geeky. I know it's problematic. But hear me out, "Doctor Who" is a show that changed my life. Yeah, the writing isn't the best, and the plot line is pretty twisted, but the acting is phenomenal and there are moments throughout the series that will drive you to tears.
Below, I've compiled 15 of the greatest quotes from the "Doctor Who" reboot series.
I hope they impact you as strongly as they impacted me.
1. “It all just disappears, doesn't it, everything you are, in a moment, like breath in a mirror.”
The 11th Doctor, The Time Of The Doctor
2. "Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame. Whatever the cost."
The War Doctor, The Day Of The Doctor
3. “The Universe is big. It's vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes—very rarely—impossible things just happen and we call them miracles.”
The 11th Doctor, The Pandorica Opens
4. “The soul's made of stories, not atoms. Everything that ever happened to us - people we loved, people we lost... people we found again against all the odds.”
The 11th Doctor, The Rings Of Akhaten
5. “There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
Charles Dickens (quoting William Shakespeare), The Unquiet Dead
6. “You spend all your time thinking about dying. Like you’re going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take the time to imagine the impossible. That, maybe, you survive.”
The Ninth Doctor, The End Of The World
7. "Sometimes the only choices you have is bad ones, but you still have to choose."
The Twelfth Doctor, Mummy On The Orient Express
8. “Some people live more in 20 years than others do in 80. It’s not the time that matters, it’s the person.”
The Doctor, The Lazarus Experiment
9. "Every life is a pile of good things and... bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant.”
The Eleventh Doctor, Vincent and the Doctor
10. “We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?”
The Eleventh Doctor, The Big Bang
11. “Time isn’t a straight line. It’s all… bumpy-wumpy. There’s loads of boring stuff. Like Sundays and Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons. But now and then there are Saturdays.”
The Eleventh Doctor, The Impossible Astronaut
12. “Never be cruel, and never be cowardly, and if you are, always make amends.”
The Twelfth Doctor, Hell Bent
13. “The universe has to move forward. Pain and loss, they define us as much as happiness or love. Whether it’s a world or a relationship, everything has its time. And everything ends.”
Sarah Jane, School Reunion
14. “Letting it get to you. You know what that’s called? Being alive. Best thing there is. Being alive right now is all that counts.”
The Eleventh Doctor, The Doctor’s Wife
15. “We all change, when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives and that's okay, that's good you've got to keep moving so long as you remember all the people that you used to be.”
The Eleventh Doctor, The Time of The Doctor
The Season 10 trailer was released in April, and although it won't air until spring 2017, I couldn't be more excited to see what "Doctor Who" has in store.