I think we all need to smile and laugh a bit more. So from one Disney obsessed 21-year=old, here are the most relatable Disney gifs that describe life from Halloween to Christmas:
1. The first time the weather drops below 50 degrees:
2. The first time the weather drops below 30 degrees:
3. The first time you hear Christmas songs being played before Thanksgiving:
4. When you realize that you have to make a 90% or higher on your final in order to make a C in a class:
5. When you make a C- in that class:
6. Your reaction after your 1st fight with your parents about your life choices:
7. Your reaction after your 50th fight with your parents about your life choices:
8. When you get the okay to drink wine at Thanksgiving dinner:
9. When your distant cousin says something racist/sexist/homophobic in the middle of dinner:
10. When you check your privilege and realize that you do have a lot to be thankful for:
11. When you use the last meal swipe left on your student ID:
12. Your reaction when you realize that you are finally on Winter Break:
13. When you say goodbye to your roommate(s) knowing that you wont see them for a month:
14. When people get angry about something as silly as the
color or design of Starbucks cups:
15. When you spend the last night in your bed and realize that Winter Break is almost over and you have to go back to school: