I have been a procrastinator my whole entire life. I started this world coming in at the last second after my twin brother (okay, 3 minutes later). I will probably end it with the quote “I’ll start first thing tomorrow morning” engraved on my tombstone. It’s not something I’m proud of and it’s not a quality I enjoy about myself. That being said, I have never handed anything in significantly later than I should have. I always get my work done it’s just that I feel no sense of urgency to do it until the very last second.
I wish this were not the case, as being in Graduate School and having to write 17-page research papers, I wish I could actually start something more than 3 days before it’s due. The thing is, I just know that it will come out better if I don’t take the time to look at it, analyze it, and change the entire assignment/project and subsequently make it worse. Even this article was due last night. Yes, it’s not too overdue as of right now but I physically could not get myself to do it after all the other homework I completed. It’s a curse. I would like to share 15 daily, yes daily struggles that happen to me because of my procrastination.
1. Having to laugh it off lightly when classmates ask if you’ve started a project that they’ve already put 2 weeks worth of work into and you haven't even looked at the directions yet.
2. Having to drive to the Dollar Store/CVS/Staples at ungodly hours of the day/night, praying it doesn’t close before you get there to get whatever it is you forgot you needed to get to complete an assignment by tomorrow (or class in half an hour).
3. Feeling great writing out due dates in your agenda then realizing something is due the next day that you forgot about EVEN THOUGH YOU WROTE IT IN YOUR AGENDA.
4. Feeling a sudden panic remember something is due tomorrow, realizing you have a week to do it and then feeling that sudden panic again the night before it’s due.
5. Getting all of your loved ones gift cards for Christmas, having forgot to actually look for real gifts.
6. Having thousands of lesson plans/projects/crafts, recipes etc… pinned on your Pinterest knowing full well you’ll never even get to half of them.
7. I’m sorry, people start using a crock pot in the morning so their dinner is already made when they get home?? Who has the willpower to do this so early in the morning?!
8. Forget the gym. I’ll go tomorrow.
9. When you have big plans for your day off and spend the entire day in bed.
10. Having a list of 20+ movies and TV shows to watch on Netflix. Yes, I really am that lazy.
11. When you actually do get to work it takes about 12 hours to actually finish whatever you’re trying to accomplish.
12. When my professor asks how far along my research paper is, having to lie.
13. Having to hide my gloating when I get an A on a paper started the night before it was due to the know it all in class started theirs 2 weeks early.
14. The sheer anxiety of looking at syllabuses with due dates in the first week of school.