We all tend to know some people with some weird or cool, yet, unique obsessions. Here are 15 Common obsessions that you, your family, and the rest of the world have.
1. Lipstick
I may or may not own 30 shades of pink lipstick. My love for lipstick started from who knows where. All I know is that a girl can never have too many shades. With all of the new makeup ideas prospering out in the world, I'm only obligated to make sure I try out hot pink in matte, gloss, creme, and shimmer.
2. Bobby Pins
I don't know about you, but I tend to walk around with at least 10-15 bobby pins in my hair on a typical day. Let's not even talk about if I'm intentionally trying to make my hair look good. If you take a look hard enough at anywhere I sleep, I guarantee there is a bobby pin nearby. Forget hair clips and headbands, the bobby pins are where it's at.
3. Sharpies
What's not to love? The look, the smell, the taste (just joking), but really, who doesn't love a nice crisp, colorful permanent marker?
4. Nail Biting
We all know that one person who can't seem to ever grow out their nails. If you're like me, you constantly get the wonderful view of finger nubs, sharp and pointy fingernails, and the lovely taste of bite-proof nail polish in your mouth.
5. Checking The Time At Work Or School Repeatedly.
Now everyone is guilty of this one. I don't care who you are-- young, old, happy, sad, male, or female, you are guilty of looking at the clock every three minutes. You were most likely hoping that 20 minutes had passed by. Well sorry to break it to you, but it's not your lucky day.
6. Food
If you're like me, then you looovveee to eat. As much as you try to resist, if a yummy cheesecake was placed in front of you right now, would you deny a piece(If your answer to this is yes, then smack yourself, better yet, 'cash me ousside')?
7. Checking Your Facebook Feed Every Five Minutes.
Similar to looking at the clock 5000 times a day, just because you refresh your feed every two seconds after going through it all doesn't mean that the content has changed. Sorry bud, maybe try Instagram next?
8. Your Bed And Sleeping
I suppose that you don't want to be in bed as much when you are older, so this is for the younger ones! Live it up, as in, go to sleep, now. Why not beat some sleeping world record while you're at it?
9. Binging On Netflix
Binge watching was originally a summer thing for me. Since being in college though, I've gone through more seasons of television than I ever did in high school. Netflix over studying = Great life choices.
10. Snapchat Filters
I have a love/ hate relationship with Snapchat filters. What's not to love about the funny face swapping but pure hate towards the puppy filter. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. It's easy to spend a couple chunks of time trying to find the perfect angle in your Snapchat photos.
11. Music
This very common one is universal across the world. "If music be the food of love, play on."
~ William Shakespeare
Enough said.
12. Video Games
I'm not going to lie I was obsessed with the game "Fallout 4" for a while. I was so comfortable to spend my free time building my mansion while killing an army of raiders. Video games will always be close to my heart. I love my Xbox One.
13. Organization
Organization is a key factor to life in my opinion. Without organization, I'd probably lose 90% of the things I buy. No one wants to spend weeks searching for a game because you forgot you threw it in the hamper.
14. Name Brands
I'm not one of these people, but some people are absolutely obsessed with name brand clothing. Maybe not you, but I find it a waste of money to pass up a cheaper version of an outfit and still rock than wear something Louis Vuitton.
15. Money
And last but not least, the money. This will be an obsession forever in many people lives, sadly. Shave an eyebrow off for free tuition, you said? Okay!
So, you may not connect to everyone of these obsessions, but I agree that you know someone with these obsessions. No judgment here; obsess on!