We have all done some pretty embarrassing things in our lives. Some things are less embarrassing, and I bet you do most of these almost daily.
1. Pretend we are models in the mirror.
Whether you are showing off your freshly brushed teeth or a new outfit, you're a model.
2. Say you're making a health and fitness changes and following through with it for five days.
It never lasts.
3. Saying you're only having one drink
One drink never actually means one drink.
4. Have mini concerts in the car
If my jam comes, on you best believe I have all vocals (including backup) and choreography down to a T.
5. Go shopping with intentions of buying so much and coming back with a Starbucks drink and a new key ring
It always happens.
6. Setting over seven alarms and sleeping through all of them.
Then you wake up all panicked because you're late, but hey, at least you slept.
7. Having a really good idea and then running out of imagination for said idea.
Like this post. I thought I could be relatable.
8. Eating an entire sleeve of cookies/jar of pickles/basket of wings/bag of chips.
No shame.
9. Harass your friends.
They must really love you.
10. Misspell words repeatedly and consider just sending it anyway
Sometimes auto correct can't even save me.
11. Craving really crappy food, but getting it and loving it.
Worth it.
12. Going through a bunch of outfits and wearing the original one you had on.
So you just wasted all that time, but at least you look cute now.
13. Taking 100+ selfies and keeping none.
Don't even lie, we've all done it.
14. Having your own kitchen show when making food.
You gotta show off sometimes. Even if you're the only one in the room.
15. Giving yourself pep-talks
Sometimes they're necessary.