Okay, so I’m about to try to start tackling the insane feat of stopping my nail-biting habit. I realized that since I’m not the only chronic nail-biter in the world, I’m not the only one who can relate to these struggles.
So this one, my friends, goes out to nail biters everywhere! You’re not alone in this struggle.
1. The struggle to open anything.
This is pretty much my response anytime someone says, “Can you open this?”
2. The even bigger struggle to peel stickers off of things.
“Can you help me peel this sticker off?”
3. The MAJOR annoyance you feel every time someone tells you to stop biting your nails.
Just leave me alone, omg. (Even though you know they’re right.)
4. Boredom and anxiety got you like:
5. Every time your mom nags you about biting your nails…
….you get all sad, even though she is so clearly right.
6. You literally don’t even realize you’re doing it anymore.
“Stop biting your nails.”
“I’m not.”
“Your finger is literally in your mouth.”
7. You should get a manicure…
8. But the ladies at the nail salon judge you so hardcore.
Last time I went she laughed at me.
9. Other people who see your hands:
10. All of your reactions to it are like:
11. The dreaded question:
“When are you going to stop biting your nails?”
12. Trying SO HARD to stop, and getting excited over every small milestone.
“My nail grew like, one half of one half of a centimeter!”
13. …And then inevitably ruining it.
14. Being really good at opening things with your teeth.
15. And then remembering why maybe you shouldn’t actually stop biting them.
Ouch. This just looks painful.
Haha! Okay, there’s my humor about nail-biting for you! In all seriousness, it’s an insane habit to kick. I’ve tried so many times and it’s ridiculously hard.
If you’re a nail biter -- you’re not alone! We can get through this together!