Growing up, my sister and I spent hours and hours pouring over Calvin and Hobbes comic books. The mischievous, precocious and witty six-year old boy Calvin and his stuffed tiger Hobbes poke fun at the world through humorous antics. Calvin and Hobbes embrace every day as a new adventure just waiting for them to discover. Calvin has a vivid imagination that transports him and his readers from living snow goons in his year to Spaceman Spiff flying through different galaxies.
What has made "Calvin and Hobbes" comics so widely successful is how relatable Calvin is. He has no problem saying what we are all thinking. He embraces who he is, even when it seems as though everyone around him doesn't appreciate him. "Calvin and Hobbes" humorously takes a stab at moral philosophy through the eyes of a wise-for-his-age kid. Calvin seeks to make the most out of life, which is something that we should all seek to do.
Sometimes, Calvin's words are some of the wisest words for a given situation. Sometimes, a six-year-old says it best!