15 Best And Worst Things About Living In A Small Town | The Odyssey Online
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15 Best And Worst Things About Living In A Small Town

It's not exactly Mayberry.

15 Best And Worst Things About Living In A Small Town

Growing up in a small town is one of the best-worst experiences known to man. Between having nothing to do and your parents knowing where you are at all times (probably because they can see you from any point in town), life is pretty much like "Little Women." But the sense of community that comes from knowing everything about everyone can really strengthen relationships *note sarcasm.* Below are the best-worst things about small town life.

1. Everyone knows who you are and who your parents are, and who their parents are and probably their parents too.

My kindergarten teacher was two grades below my great aunt's step-nephew in elementary school...and she knew exactly who I was as soon as she saw me because she said I had my "dad's eyes and mom's nose..."

2. You'll never be good with directions because when explaining how to get somewhere, people will just use landmarks or the county's main traffic light.

In southern accent: "Go down yonder to the red light and turn right... Then you'll pass a big hill with a small tree on top and turn left. If you go past the pasture with the big blue barn, you've gone too far."

3. The dating pool is limited... Whoever you're crushing on is either your distant cousin or related to somebody who dated someone's sister's brother.

"Guy/girl code" only existed in extreme situations. Most of the time you were dating your best friend's ex and no one really cared.

4. Oh, it's Friday?

Don't expect to do anything after school except get food then head to the game to get a good seat in the student section by the 30 year-old that still lives with his mom. Your life is a real-life version of "Friday Night Lights." Congratulations.

5. Going to bed early is super easy because after 10:00 p.m. nothing is open.

After the game, head home because unless you want to drive 45 minutes to get to a bigger town, there's not going to be anything to do.

6. The local law enforcement take their jobs WAY too seriously.

I once had to take my contact out of my eye to prove to the cop that just pulled me over that I was wearing my "corrective lenses..."

7. You don't want your parents to know something? Too Late.

Either they witnessed it or the mother of the teacher that your best friend's little sibling has in school told them.

8. Loitering is the social event of the year.

Just find a nice wall and stand there... because there isn't much else to do.

9. Explaining where you're from by starting with the nearest large city.

Whenever someone asks where you’re from, your standard response is, “You probably haven’t heard of it. It’s about 45 minutes east of [insert name of medium-to-large city nearby].”

10. No booze on Sunday...or ever...because people are always watching.

Don't do stupid things because someone who knows somebody will see it (refer to points one and seven).

11. Respecting adults isn't just an option.

Mom: "Go clean your room, please..."

Kid: *Continues to watch TV/ play Xbox"

Mom: *Picks up child by ear and flings into messy room* "I'm not asking..."

12. You're always welcome anywhere and everywhere.

Small Town USA: where getting into random vehicles is not only accepted but encouraged, but you'll probably know them anyway so it's not even really a problem.

13. Sunday mornings are for church.

Even if you're sleeping in the back row, you're there. And if you weren't there, someone from the church would personally call because they were "concerned" (or as my Grammy would say "nosier than Pinocchio").

14. Walmart and Nike are the only brand names worn by anyone from your high school.

Our school district thought about getting uniforms, but they realized there was no point because everyone wore the same thing anyway (it's Walmart Couture).

15. You'll miss it once you leave.

My small town made me who I am. Even though I wish I could've had more privacy (or even just been able to not be called my older sisters' names in every class), I will always love my home town and will probably, eventually settle down there in a few years.... well.. maybe not...

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