Sometimes the simplest things can create such bliss. The reason for this, I think, is that comfort is one of the most highly sought after intangible human desires. This non-exhaustive list highlights some of the most comfort- and contentedness-inducing instances in life.
1. Collapsing on the couch after a long day or week
Or the floor. Whichever is closer.
2. Getting into warm jammies and your warm bed after a hot shower
Is there anything closer to what Heaven feels like? I don't think so.
3. Eating a nice meal when you're super hungry
Food just tastes so much better when I've been without it for hours.
4. Hugs from loved ones
Please, never let go.
*hours pass* Okay, you can let go now.
5. Getting a good grade on something you worked really hard on
Huzzah, all my efforts were not wasted!
6. When a concept in class finally clicks
So that's how you multiply fractions! Kidding, I learned that, like, months ago…
7. Having a clean room
The process is agonizing, but the results feel spectacular.
8. Watching someone's face light up when he or she opens the gift you bought
"An avocado! Thaaaaanks!"
9. Seeing an old friend after being separated for an extended time
Instantly, it's like everything is just the way it was.
10. When someone says "you look so nice today," and you actually got ready in five minutes
Unless the word "today" connotes that I don't look nice any other day.
11. Having a fully charged phone and a full tank of gas
I am unstoppable. I am LIMITLESS.
12. Making someone laugh really hard
And not just a "haha, lol" kind of laugh. I want you to be ROFLing and LMAOing.
13. Sleeping in freshly washed sheets
The soft aroma of Tide Free & Gentle is basically a lullaby.
14. Knowing you're about to fall asleep
Unless it's the middle of the day, and I'm anywhere besides my bed.
15. Walking out of your last exam
Feelin' as free as Dobby the Elf.