" Family Feud" is one of the best shows out there. It's been on for 40 years now and still going strong, and is hilarious every single episode. In case you aren't familiar with the show, two families compete against each other to answer questions and get to 300 points. Your family must get the first answer on the board and then the other five or six answers given to get the points. The family that gets to 300 points first goes on to compete for 20,000 dollars. With the appeal of that much cash hitting the buzzer as fast as possible is the goal…even if the question hasn’t been completely said. Over the course of 40 years this has lead to some hysterical and insane answers, the best of which I have compiled here. (And now no matter how you feel after that final you’re dreading, you’ll know no answer you give is as bad as these)
1. "Name something a doctor might pull out of someone”
“A gerbil!” This woman knew as soon as she blurted the answer out that it didn’t make sense and starts shaking her head and saying no, but everyone is already laughing.
2. “Real or fiction, name a famous Willy”
“Willy the Pooh” I don’t think this guy had any idea his answer was completely off base, but he did still laugh along once everybody else did.
3. “Name an animal whose legs are featured on a restaurant menu”
“Panda” She confidently explained that she was referring to Panda Express.
4. “Name a farm animal people have as a pet”
“Turkey” The other answer on the board was dog, and I have no idea why this man’s first thought was a pet turkey.
5. “Name something a woman does for her baby…that she also does for her hubby”
“Changes his diapers” I included the "…" to show how far Steve Harvey got in the question before the woman cut in with her response. I can see where she was going, but it never hurts to hear the whole question before answering.
6. “Name something you squeeze”
“Peanut butter” I honestly don’t know what my first thought would have been for this question, but I do know for a fact it wouldn’t have been peanut butter.
7. “Name something you might buy that could turn out to be a phony”
“A horse” Ah yes, I too have been deceived in to thinking I was buying a horse only to find out it’s a fake.
8. “It’s the first day of the new year, name a reason you’re not getting out of bed”
“You’re dead” I mean he’s not wrong, but somehow I don’t think that’s what came to mind for most.
9. “Name something people bury in the backyard”
“Placenta” Don’t worry, she explained herself and said it was to grow rose bushes and that she only saw it in a movie.
10. “Name a noisy bird”
“Chipmunk” I don’t think this one can even be explained.
11. “We asked 10 married men, which of the seven dwarves best describes your wife in bed?”
“Bashful” What makes this answer so funny is that it was given after 30 seconds of both men shaking their heads and refusing to answer before one buzzed in and made sure to say that it wasn’t his wife he was describing.
12. “Name something a burglar would not want to see when he breaks into a house”
“Naked grandma!” The man screamed it, and it showed up on the board as “occupants.”
13. “Name a job that’s dirty but someone has to do it”
“Gynecologist” To be fair, this was in fast money and he did say plumber first.
14. “Name something that follows the word ‘pork’”
“Loin” She screams this and it sounds like she is saying “lawn,” but she clarifies (kinda) by spelling the word out. Only she spells lion, not loin.
It gets better too; her brother goes next and says “cupine,” like porcupine. He thought porcupine was pork-cupine, and he was quite confident that he was right.
15. “Name something women wear that was obviously designed by men because it’s uncomfortable but sexy”
“Texas” Yes, you read that right. He said Texas. This is probably my favorite answer ever, and the fact that he just continues to repeat his answer confidently with a big grin makes it 100 times better.
While I've given you 15 of the answers I find the funniest, the next time you're stuck on a paper, head over to YouTube for some more. I guarantee you won't watch just one.