The 15 Best Character Developments On TV
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The 15 Best Character Developments On TV

Spoilers Ahead (Obviously)

The 15 Best Character Developments On TV

After hours upon hours of binge watching countless shows on Netflix and other video streaming providers, we have fallen in love with countless characters and loathed so many others. But amongst all those characters we have been introduced to some undeniably great characters that changed right in front of our eyes. These character developments brought tears to our eyes, wholeness to our hearts, and smiles to our faces. Here are some of the best character developments to hit our TV and computer screens thus far: CAUTION there are spoilers ahead.

1. Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf)

When we first met Lydia she was in a less than healthy relationship with Jackson and wouldn't be caught dead saying two words to Stiles and Scott unless it was an insult or snarky comment about their lack of lacrosse skills. Yet somewhere in between Jackson leaving, her discovering she's a banshee and Aiden dying, you start to fall in love with the kind-hearted, quick witted Lydia who NEEDS TO END UP WITH STILES GODDAMNIT!

2. Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones)

Strolling onto the scene as the scum of the earth Season 1 Episode 1, everyone wanted Jaime dead after pushing little Bran out the window, paralyzing him forever (not to mention it was all because Bran caught Jaime and his sister Cersei in an incestral moment of passion). Jaime went through many highs and lows — captured, losing his hand, forming an interesting relationship with Brienne of Tarth, and regaining his ability to fight — but no matter what, Jaime's love for Kings Landing held true. Jaime not only killed the "Mad King," but he is continuously challenging Cersei and her horrific political choices and demands of Jaime in order to keep the upper hand in King's Landing.

3. Mickey Milkovich (Shameless)

Oh Mickey. The designated comedic relief to the rollercoaster that is Shameless. Mickey had a vendetta against Ian until their unforeseen relationship develops and you’re forever team Mickey and Ian. Plus Mickey tries to kill off Sammie (the worst character to be featured in the series). He and Ian may not have a future now that he’s on the run, but a little part of your heart will always hope they find a way.

4. Asher Millstone (How to Get Away With Murder)

Asher starts off as a pretentious, extremely white privileged law student who lucks out in avoiding involvement in Sam’s death, but once he gets dragged into Annalise’s drama you start seeing past Asher’s front. His toxic relationship with his father makes you start feeling for him and you can’t help but root for dorky little Asher to make it through the hell Annalise has created for him.

5. Prince Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Prince Zuko and his damn honor. We see brief moments where we think Zuko is past capturing Aang to restore his honor, but he always seemed to disappoint. It isn't until Book 3 that we see him truly give up on restoring his honor and helps Aang and the gang. Plus, his endless sibling rivalry with Azula always made you have a soft spot for Zuko regardless of his hatred toward Aang.

6. Wesley Wyndam-Pryce (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel)

Wes was a disappointing attempt to replace Giles as Buffy's watcher in Season 3 and ends up making her abandon the council. Wesley then makes an appearance in the spinoff show "Angel" and has transformed into a badass, rogue demon hunter who is totally worth Cordelia's affection.

7. Simon Bellamy (Misfits)

Ugh Simon. Simon started as a shy and awkward outcast who gained the power of invisibility from The Storm. It isn't until Season 2 that we find out that Simon completely shed his skin and becomes a time-traveling hero, Super Hoodie, that helps the gang out in tough binds against supernatural trouble. Also, his relationship with Alisha becomes ultimate goals.

8. Tony Stonem (Skins)

Tony. The epicenter of all drama during the first season of "Skins." He was the cause of a homicidal drug dealer hunting down Sid all season. Tony caused Michelle nothing but misery by constantly toying with her emotions in their on-again-off-again relationship. And using every single one of his "friends" for his own benefit. Tony redeems himself by confessing his true love for Michelle, but in a strange turn of events, Tony is struck by a bus and suffers severe brain damage. This results in a new Tony who you feel for all Season 2 — rooting for him to recover from his injury and succeed in his A levels (which he thankfully does).

9. James Cook (Skins)

Cook is made out to be the bad guy in Season 3 after constantly fighting with Freddie over Effie and finally "stealing" Effie, taking her to live with him and his father. But once Cook finally accepts that Effie and Freddie are meant for each other in Season 4 he becomes a better friend to Freddie. His love for his friend is validated when Cook goes looking for Freddie after he is brutally killed by Effie's psychologist, Foster, in an interesting turn of events (RIP, man). Cook later avenges his friend by attacking and killing Foster when he admits to killing Freddie.

10. Caroline Forbes (Vampire Diaries)

When we first meet Caroline she is shallow and jealous of Elena, but come season 2, Caroline is changed into a vampire which does wonders for her character. Caroline starts helping her friends and tries mending arguments amongst the group. Plus, there wasn't a dry eye in the room when you watched Caroline sit by her mother's side as she lost her battle to cancer.

11. Spinner Mason (Degrassi: The Next Generation)

Coming from the OG Degrassi generation — Spinner was the longest lasting character on Degrassi (eight seasons with a few scattered cameos), so there are many points to touch upon. Over all, we hated him for causing Rick to bring a gun to school and paralyzing Spinner's best friend, Jimmy, forever. And don't even get me started on the episode when Jimmy finds out Spinner tar and feathered Rick. Emotions. But after battling cancer, going through a rollercoaster of a relationship with Jane, and then marrying Emma (still don't understand that move?), Spinner developed into a lovable goof-ball that we were all rooting for in the end.

12. Holly J. Sinclair (Degrassi: The Next Generation)

Holly J pretty much won high school. Holly J was introduced as an arrogant newbie hailing from Lakehurst (JT fans, a moment of silence). Holly J treated her "bestie" Anya like trash, gave power squad a run for their money when she tried to face off with Manny and Darcy, and attempted to break up Sav and Anya. She rose to power becoming class president and power squad captain and is even held at gunpoint in one episode (bet you forgot about that one). Holly J was always pushing herself to her full potential and ended up growing out of her "mean girl" phase to become the ultimate student to ever take on Degrassi.

13. Miles Hollingsworth III (Degrassi: The Next Generation/Degrassi: Next Class)

From both Degrassi series — "Next Generation" and Netflix's "Next Class" —Miles is one of the most complex characters to walk the halls of Degrassi. First, causing a constant feud between Mia and Zoë. Miles' story began taking an interesting turn once he started getting involved with Tristan (and occasionally Miya post-breakup). We weren't sure of his intentions at first, but Miles came off as manipulative and not truly interested in Tristan. Other factors such as substance abuse, an abusive relationship with his father, and possible PTSD from his father's abuse (that has yet to be clarified), cause you to truly get to see a different layer of Miles push you to be more sympathetic towards him. Miles is also one of the first characters to have a fluid sexuality. He has stated that he is neither gay nor straight and doesn't want to label it.

14. Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls/ Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life)

Jess... where do I start? Jess is horrible to everyone (including his Uncle Luke that willingly let Jess live with him) except Rory who ends up dating him in later seasons. But when Jess lets his grades slide and is upset he can't graduate, he up and leaves Stars Hollow without any warning leaving Rory heart broken. We almost forget he exists until he returns in Season 6 revealing to Rory he has written a book and works for a publishing company in Philly. He also convinces Rory to return to Yale and finish her degree instead of dropping out and living with her grandmother. Plus, in the reboot Jess convinces Rory to write a book about her and Lorelei's relationship. As horrible as we was in the beginning, Jess was constantly pushing Rory to be the best person she could be, and we can't hate him for that.

15. Brooke Davis (One Tree Hill)

Brooke freaking Davis. The ultimate character in "One Tree Hill" and probably one of the best. Brooke starts off as your typical spoiled, stuck up cheerleader who cares about nothing but herself. But through the drama filled high school years of stalkers, losing all her money, constant Lucas drama, and that touching episode with the year book photos *tears* and her fashion mogul years of her manipulative mother, getting jumped in her own store, and finding the perfect man, Brooke Davis rose from the antagonist to the main focus of the show. She was the greatest character development ever witnessed in a teen drama. No question.

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