Thousands of protesters have flocked to some of the United States' biggest and busiest airports in protests of President Trump's newest executive order. President Donald Trump's ordered an overwhelmingly large ban on people from seven different Muslim-majority nations, producing some anger and grief, to name a few of the emotions expressed by the protesters. Some of these protesters families are being sent back to their countries of origin -- fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Families and friendships are being torn apart due to Trump's order, which a federal judge put a stop to. Regardless, there have been protesters that have shown up to the airports simply to join in the cause, while others make their mark with their individual style of creativity, plays on words and art -- here are 15 of the best airport protest signs:
1. "Destination: Justice"
2. "Hands off my family"
3. "Portland coffee is from YEMEN"
4. "Sexual Assault victims against GATE RAPE"
5. "Give me your TIRED, your POOR, your HUDDLED MASSES, yearning to breathe free."
Referencing our beloved Statue of Liberty (who is from France, by the way).
6. "Even Lady Liberty is an immigrant"
(See number six)
7. "No one is free when others are oppressed"
8. "No Ban"
This sign is actually five individual signs done in lights, which makes it even MORE impactful and strong.
9. "Real Christians don't ban Muslims"
10. "Our New York is immigrant New York"
Valid point.
11. "Keep your tiny hands off my rights"
Tiny humans are making a BIG statement.
12. "I'm with HER"
The "her" being the Statue of Liberty.