Everyone has that one friend who, no matter what you ask, they will give you a sarcastic answer. I am that friend. Audrey Plaza's character, April, in Parks and Recreation is the person that constantly has a dark cloud over her head and we love it. Her lines are almost 99% pure, sarcastic gold and never fail to leave us with a laugh. We can also probably count the amount of times she has smiled on one hand. Here are a few of her best one liners for situations we have probably come across a time or two.
1. When you're not a hugger.
2. When you're actually sad the plans got canceled.
3. Basically any social situation without your friends.
4. Whenever someone tells you to smile more.
5. When you have to do an icebreaker in class and tell them about yourself.
6. All post grad inquires about how you are doing.
7. When you realize you went too far.
8. When you almost died last night and you wake up without a hangover.
9. When you go out and run into all the people you went to high school with.
10. Every time I see a dog and remember I like them better than most people.
11. When you tell your friends a joke you thought was hilarious and they don't laugh.
12. When a cute guy gives you a complement and you try to react normally.
13. After doing anything slightly productive.
14. When you're not involved in the drama in the group text, but what to be included.
15. When someone tries to get you to do outdoor activities.
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