15 Annoying Issues College Freshmen Face | The Odyssey Online
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15 Annoying Issues College Freshmen Face

College life is fun, but incoming freshmen face a lot of changes that can be seriously annoying.

15 Annoying Issues College Freshmen Face

In college, life is definitely different than it was in high school. Sometimes this difference is good, like having the freedom and independence you so desperately wanted in high school. However, sometimes this difference is not only bad, but downright annoying. Here are 15 annoying issues freshmen in college have to deal with while adjusting from high school life, to college life:

1. That one upperclassmen friend who acts like they know way more about school and life than you.

And whenever you say something they try to belittle and outshine you with their experience and superiority so you just sit there listening like...

2. Intro level classes that aren’t about anything you thought they were going to be.

Taking Intro to Communication because you thought you were going to learn about social media, but now your professor is assigning readings on Platonic theories of rhetoric and dialogue.

3. Gen Eds.

Boredom at its finest.

4. Upperclassmen boys.

You may play it cool, but you're really intimidated inside.

5. Forcing yourself branch out and start new friendships.

But you're really freaking out on the inside.

6. Taking your first exam and realizing college is way more difficult than you thought it was going to be.


7. Taking your first final exam and realizing college is extremely more difficult than you thought it was going to be.

Double yikes.

8. The stress of rush week..

Non-stop smiling and talking for hours on end, and when it's finally over you're left dead.

9. The stress of deciding a major.

When you think you're set on a major but are actually totally clueless as to what you want to do with the rest of your life.

10. Not being able to rely on your parents for everything.

What do you mean I have to make my own doctor appointments and order my own prescriptions?

11. The realization that you have to grow up and become more responsible, or else you’re pretty much screwed.


12. Adjusting to a TwinXL bed.

I don't think I'll ever find my uncomfortable, twin size bed not annoying. I miss my comfy queen.

13. Random roommates.

When you meet your random roommate for the first time and find out you're complete opposites.

14. Not having a car on campus.

And then going back home on break, and being so unfamiliar with your own car that you have to drive home in the pouring rain without your windshield wipers because you totally forgot how to turn them on.

Disclaimer: It's not like that happened to me or anything. Just kidding. It did.

15. Falling in love with college and then having to leave for summer...

After you finally got into the swing of things, and start to really love college, the year ends and you're sent back home. But don't worry, because after you finally get into the swing of things at home, summer ends and you're back at college, once again, readjusting to college life. It's a fun cycle.

At least when we come back to school in the fall, we know what we're getting ourselves into, and we can be the confident, cool person we tried way too hard to be freshmen year.

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