If you are anything like me, you look as the spring with much hesitation. Yes, the sun is shining, the grass is growing greener, the birds are chirping and the flowers are blooming. But the trees are producing pollen like it is their last year to produce pollen. It doesn't help that the winds also seem to pick up in the spring, carrying the pollen to the ends of the earth. I love the spring, but I must love it through a window because I will have a "sneezure" if I step outside without proper medication.
1. You stock up on allergy meds.
Allegra, Claritin, Zyrtec, Benadryl, Nasacort, Flonase, Nasonex. You know what works for you and you would willingly buy out your local drug store if it meant surviving the spring season.
2. You sneeze.
You never know how many times you will sneeze when you begin. I like to call these episodes "sneezures." Never ending and at the most inopportune times.
3. Your eyes become puddles when you step outside.
People ask you if you are crying, but it is just your eyes fighting of the enemy that is pollen.
4. You can go through an entire box of tissues in a matter of days.
You always have tissues with you and should just buy stock in Kleenex because of how many boxes you buy.
5. Your entire body itches.
This is the most annoying part of spring. Why does my body have to itch on top of everything else. My stomach which hasn't even seen the outdoors since the summer itches. Why?
6. Your nose runs like Niagra Falls.
You wonder how your nose can produce so much snot because you just blew your nose going through another box of tissues.
7. Your sinuses are beyond congested.
Your voice is coming from the back of your throat and sounds super weird, your ears feel as if you are stuck in a pressure chamber and your sinuses feel as if they decided to collapse. You know exactly what I am talking about, but that is only the beginning of congestion. You often wake up in the middle of the night gasping for air because both of your nostrils have closed off. You have become exactly the person you don't like: a mouth breather.
8. You have become familiar with nasal cleanses.
My favorite is the Netty Pot. The warm salt water running through my nasal passages is the perfect concoction for a clogged nose. Unfortunately, nasal cleanses only last so long.
9. You avoid all things outdoors.
You find start a series on Netflix, stock social media, clean your entire dorm room, rearrange your closet and procrastinate doing real work because you can't enjoy the outdoors.
10. But you wish could enjoy the outdoors like your friends.
All your friends come back from walks, picnics, bike rides and outdoor explorations without you while you grow green with jealousy. You play it off cool and passive aggressively blame your allergies.
11. You can't wear your contacts.
Your glasses become your best friend during allergy season because your contacts have betrayed you and accepted pollen as one of their own.
12. Your inner ear itches. All. The. Time.
I don't understand this. Why does my inner ear itch? What is going on in there?
13. You suffer from sinus headaches.
All the built up congestion cause intense headaches. All the ibuprofen in the world cannot solve your headaches because it is a much deeper problem: congestion.
14. Your car is covered in nasty pollen making driving unbearable.
Your black car has turned yellow because a tree decided to sneeze. You don't even think about washing your car in the spring because of the pollen.
15. You are still sneezing.
Yep. It's definitely a "sneezure."