Since Valentine's Day is only a a few weeks away, it's probably a good idea to start thinking about what you're going to get that special someone. Whether it's a girlfriend or boyfriend, a crush, or a secret admirer, there are some typical gifts that nobody actually wants. Read this list in its entirety and take note, unless the gift that you want to receive for Valentine's Day is a break-up text!
1. Cheap Stuffed Animals
Let's be honest, they might be really cute and soft, but what is your significant other going to do with it after Valentine's Day? He or she MIGHT cuddle with it for a week or so, but then it'll just end up in their closet, in a yard sale, or as their dog's new chew toy. Just skip this one.
2. Fake Diamonds
Nobody ever said "Fake diamonds are a girl's best friend." While it may be the thought that counts, just wait until you can afford the real thing.
3. This Thing...
This has been all over Pinterest, but I can't help but think to myself 'If I made this for my boyfriend, he'd probably be a little weirded out and it would honestly never get hung on the wall.' It could be cute in a girl's room, but it would just be so awkward for a guy to go over to another guy's house for guys' night and see a canvas of lip prints hanging on their wall.
4. Candy Cards
So, these are all over Pinterest too, but they're honestly a bit too cheesy. The sentences are cheesy, and what is someone to do with candy they don't even like? I mean, who even eats 100 Grands or Sugar Daddys? Plus, when your significant other pulls the candies off of the card, the wrapper or bag are going to stick to it and rip it apart. #fail
5. Book Art
These are really cool pieces of art and props to whoever can actually make these things, but why? It's just a torn up book that's going to sit somewhere, and you can't even read it.
6. Gift Cards
Don't get me wrong, I like shopping just as much as the next girl, but all a gift card really says is "I didn't feel like actually taking the time or putting in the effort to get you a thoughtful gift, so I stopped by the grocery store and got you this generic gift card." #lazy
7. Edible Undergarments
This one should totally go without saying, but edible bras and undies have to be the least romantic thing to give on Valentine's Day. Boys, if you want to get it on with your girl this Valentine's Day, skip the edible undergarments and try a dozen long-stemmed roses instead. Way more romantic...
8. Kiddie Valentines
Of course, these things were the best in elementary school, especially the ones that came with tattoos or suckers, but they should be left back in elementary school where they belong. Skip these and get a heartfelt card instead.
9. Generic Assorted Chocolates
Chocolates can be very sweet and romantic, especially for a valentine with a sweet tooth. But instead of stopping at the drug store and picking up the same generic heart-shaped box of chocolates, stop by the local bakery or confectionery and pick out some of your sweetie's favorite chocolates and candies; much more thoughtful and yummy. Plus, they won't throw away that half of the box with the gross nougat and cherry-filled chocolates.
10. Ugly Flowers
If you wait too long, all of the classic bouquets of a dozen red or pink roses will be gone for Valentine's Day. But that doesn't mean that you need to opt for some daisies that look like they were spray painted with Kool-Aid. There's way prettier substitutes out there, like some carnations or lilies.
11. Love Coupons
It was cute to give these to your mom or dad when you were little, but nobody in a relationship wants love coupons for Valentines' Day. Your valentine shouldn't have to turn in a coupon for a hug or kiss. Those things should be automatic.
12. A White Castle Dinner Date
This shouldn't require an explanation, but a decent dinner or home-cooked meal always trumps a nasty Crave Case Valentine's Dinner.
13. Shareable Clothing
No matter how much you and your significant other are in love, NOBODY wants to share a jacket. This is not the idea of close that your valentine was thinking of.
14. Car Window Painting
This is just tacky and embarrassing. Nobody wants to drive around town in a car painted with the profession of your love. Put that ish in a card!
Happy Valentine's Day!