If you're like me, then you don't have a significant other to buy you a gift or take you out to dinner this Valentine's Day. You might feel a little lonely (or even a little jealous) seeing couples posting cute photos of them at dinner or with the flowers or chocolate they got for each other. Here's a solution: be your own Valentine! Here are 14 ways to treat yourself this Valentine's Day!
Send yourself flowers.
One of the classic Valentine's Day gifts is flowers. Go online and order yourself a nice arrangement or even just go to the grocery store and pick out a cute bouquet to put in your room, apartment, or house.
Have a spa night.
Go out and get one of those cheap facials from Ulta. Pick up a new nail polish color. Get a nice body scrub. Turn your bathroom into a spa and pamper yourself!
Buy yourself chocolate.
Another classic Valentine's gift is chocolate. Get yourself a box of fancy chocolate and indulge. Tip: if you go to the store February 15th, all the Valentine's Day chocolate will be on sale.
Have a movie night.
Search Netflix for a new movie, get some junk food, and take some time to relax. Invite your other single friends over too.
Get dressed up!
Just because you don't have a date doesn't mean you can't dress up. Get dressed up and take some selfies and post them. #DontNeedNoMan
Order take out.
Order your favorite take out, whether it be Chinese food, pizza, or even a salad. Invite some friends over and eat together (so you don't have to go out and see all the couples).
Make yourself dinner.
Everyone has a favorite dinner. Take time to make yourself your favorite dish and enjoy it alone or with friends. Or look up a new recipe and have some fun making it.
Do some shopping.
Spring is right around the corner, which calls for some new outfits. Plus, there's a ton of sales because of the season change. Get yourself something new.
Color or draw.
There are tons of adult coloring books and free online coloring pages to print. Draw a cool picture or pattern. Break out the colored pencils or markers and go to town. Once you're done, hang it up somewhere.
Catch up on sleep.
Life can be hectic, stressful, and busy so getting a good night of sleep can be hard sometimes. Make yourself comfy and go to sleep early!
Redecorate or reorganize.
If you're bored with your bedroom or any other room where you live, take some time to redecorate, reorganize, or rearrange everything. Change is good!
Bake something.
Baking can be so much fun and so relaxing. Find a new recipe, put on some music, and start baking!
Whether it's at home or at the gym, a nice workout can make you feel a lot better. Take a run, do yoga, lift weights, or go to a class.
Do something you enjoy!
Read a book, write, watch makeup tutorials, do a craft, or do a puzzle. Just do something that you enjoy doing, especially if you usually don't have time to do it.