There are several times in life where you're forced to grow up in a hurry; for example, the transition to college or into the workforce. They are accompanied by so much upheaval in life, that "growing up" often feels overwhelming. For me, and for my friends, I've noticed that a shared experience significantly helped us to deal with these changes in life. You learn a unique set of life skills and perspectives at camp. Camp experiences, from your camp family to the unforgettable summertime memories can help to prepare you for the "real world" in unexpected but priceless ways.
1. Camp introduces kids, particularly girls, to the idea that they can do anything, that people don’t have to fit into a “normal” box. Girls can dominate the rifler range, and boys can rock those melty beads at arts and crafts.
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2. You finally learned the difference between precision and accuracy, you know that thing you tried to learn in science class.
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3. You were introduced to the fact that weird fashion trends will come and go. Let them go.
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4. You learn to let go of a lot of seemingly important things at camp. One of the best lessons to learn is that it’s always okay to look ridiculous. (But it’s particularly fun to look ridiculous with friends).
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5. You later realize that camp dances are the best kind of dances.
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6. Speaking of dancing... Part of growing up is learning how to be confident enough to dance like no one’s watching.
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7. That camp crush introduced you to a whole new aspect of life, which you probably still haven’t mastered as a “grown-up”... DATING.
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8. You learn that the buddy system is a good rule of thumb to take anywhere; it isn’t just for girls going to the bathroom together.
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9. Camp prepared you for the makeshift-sleeping arrangements that dominate college life.
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10. And you learned that packing is a useful life skill that will really come in handy during your college years.
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11. Camp taught you to face every day with creative optimism. Even rainy days can become camp-wide bonanzas of fun.
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12. And even if you’re sleep-deprived beyond belief, and haven’t had a full hour to eat or shower in a week, with the help of your friends, you can get your game face on for a new week of camp.
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13. Moving on to different stages in life doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It’s all part of the process. Just because you’re not a camper anymore, it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy camp as a counselor, too. But it’s absolutely okay to still feel weird about people seeing you as an adult.
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14. And, most importantly, you know that if you can brave the exhilarating terror of the Blob, you can face anything.
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