" Hamilton" is one of the most recent musicals to hit the Broadway stage, but it is already being acclaimed as revolutionary (lol, get it?). Its fan base is growing at an exponential rate, although most fans have only heard the soundtrack and haven’t even seen the show yet! Maybe its popularity stems from its unique use of hip-hop music and racially diverse casting? Or its educational telling of a historically dramatic, yet little known, underdog story? In my opinion, what makes this musical great is its relatability, especially to college students.
Here are 14 lyrics from "Hamilton" that perfectly describe college life.
1. When you have two essays, three projects and an exam due and you haven’t started on any of them:
(*proceeds to watch Netfllix for four hours straight*)
2. When they won’t give you more financial aid:
3. When you ask your professor for an extension on your essay:
(Lazy? yes. Irresponsible? probably. But not stupid!)
4. When you didn't do the assigned reading but the professor wants to do a class discussion:
(Look down! Look down! Don't look him in the eye!)
5. When the RA busts your room for alcohol:
(I know it was probably expensive and all, but as an RA...we are just doing our job!)
6. When a friend asks if you want to join their study group:
(The exam will probably kill you, but you will die fighting.)
7. When you are president of three clubs, taking 18 credit hours and volunteering 10 hours a week, but people keep asking you to do things:
(Trust me, I've tried!)
8. When it's finals week and you just want to die:
9. When you remember about the exam the night before:
(Nothing to do but pray...and sob.)
10. When your friends want to go out for dinner:
(The struggle is truly real.)
11. When your classmate says, "I haven't started studying yet either."
(It is nice to know I am not alone.)
12. When someone asks you if you want a leadership position, but you’re already over-committed:
(I guess sleep isn't that important...)
13. When your essay is due in an hour and you are just starting:
(Because I am!!!)
14. When it is the end of the semester:
(Despite it all, we somehow manage to make it out alive each time!)
Are there any other lyrics from "Hamilton" that you can relate to? Leave it in the comments below!