14 Things Only Vegas Locals Understand | The Odyssey Online
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14 Things Only Vegas Locals Understand

No one gets it quite like we do.

14 Things Only Vegas Locals Understand
Taken by Lasvegaslover

There are some things that only we, as locals, could ever understand.

1. We park in valet because we know it's free.

Any hotel or casino, any time. We also know that tipping the valet driver at drop-off as opposed to pick up means faster and better service.

2. Cooling off in the summer means stripping down to nothing the second you walk through your front door.

Even the short walk from your driveway to the front door can cause you to start sweating. When stripping doesn't do the trick, standing in front of an open freezer sure does.

3. We don't head over to the strip every night.

We really only limit it to when company comes in town. And yes, we know every song the Bellagio fountains dance to.

4. When we want ice cream at 2 a.m., we get ice cream at 2 a.m.

Everything is open 24 hours a day. Gyms, smoothie shops, pharmacies. You name it, we got it.

5. It's normal to be freezing one day, windy the next and in triple digits a week later.

No point in having winter or summer clothes stashed away in boxes. It's impossible to predict when you're going to need a sweatshirt as opposed to some flip-flops.

6. When your coworkers say they're going to the bank after work, you may be picturing the wrong building.

They're not going to a bank in order to make a deposit. The Bank is a high-end nightclub inside the Bellagio. On the off-chance they are going to a real bank, it's probably just to get some ones.

7. Forgetting your watch at a casino can be rather catastrophic.

There are no clocks or windows. It's easy to lose track of time (and money) when there's nothing telling you what time of day it is.

8. There's nothing worse than summer electric bills.

It's expensive cooling the house down. The price we pay to keep our house at a reasonable temperature should be illegal.

9. Cockroaches.

Enough said.

10. Flash floods are a real thing.

Keep away from the Charleston underpass when it starts raining. It doesn't take much for your car to get swept away.

11. When we talk about the Spaghetti Bowl, we aren't talking about last night's dinner.

We avoid this freeway interchange like the plague during high traffic.

12. Slot machines are everywhere.

It's normal for us, really. Airports, grocery stores, your local casino. Want a slurpee from 7/11? Gotta walk past the slot machines first.

13. Moapa is more than just an Indian Reservation.

The only reason we would ever drive to Moapa is because they sell illegal fireworks. That's it.

14. Our biggest pet peeve is when people say Nevada incorrectly.

We don't live in Nev-AHHHHH-da, guys. It pronounced Nev-AD-a.

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