14 Unforgettable Opening Scenes Of The Office | The Odyssey Online
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14 Unforgettable Opening Scenes Of The Office

“Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!”

14 Unforgettable Opening Scenes Of The Office

If you are a classic fan of “The Office” (U.S.A.) like I am, the upbeat sound of that piano instantly fixes any negative mood. The theme song for “The Office” relieves stress and no other television show could compare. To make it even better, the show tends to start*most, not all* episodes with a humor-filled scene before the theme song begins. Here are the 14 best opening-scenes of The Office: sure to catch you literally laughing out loud in the eerie quiet of your room.

1. Season 5, Episode 14 "Stress Relief Part 1"

In this overbearingly humorous scene, Dwight stages a fire drill to observe the preparedness of his coworkers. Priorities are put in order as Angela throws her cat to safety while Kevin ransacks the snack machines. As seen in the unforgettable humor of this scene they clearly require training for emergency preparedness.

The fire’s shooting at us!


2. Season 9, Episode 5 “Here Comes Treble”

Getting into the holiday spirit as he does, Dwight shoves a jack-o-lantern on his head. After scaring Erin and being unable to take his head out he realizes this festivity was in bad judgement. No matter what they do to get sever the pumpkin-head issue, Dwight would ultimately be hurt in the process. He is then left reminiscing on the day’s bad decisions and stuck being a jack-o-lantern.

I mean the pumpkin should rot off my head in a month or two. Right?


3. Season 8, Episode 15 “Tallahassee”

When Jim is invited to Florida by Robert California, he can not get out of his up-at-5 am routine from home. In keeping with regular Scranton shenanigans he decides to pull a creatively perfect prank on Dwight: Jim got into some trouble, and someone has blamed his absence on Dwight in eerie wall-writing. Cue Jim’s lifeless body falling out of the closet, landing among the blood and cash strewn about.

Oh no, no, no, no. It wasn’t me.


4. Season 7, Episode 6 “Costume Contest”

To start this Halloween episode, Jim decides to see how much can get by Stanley after he drinks orange juice out of Jim’s mug instead of his hot coffee. It is revealed that Stanley does not take notice to much: from sitting backwards in the conference room to Pam having a mustache and Kevin cross-dressing in replacement of Phyllis, he is clearly only interested in his crossword and closing time.

Bye Stanley, Love you!

Our branch on Planet Jupiter has gone up 10,000 percent in sales!


5. Season 3 Episode 16 “Phyllis’ Wedding”

Jim cleverly performs a classic Pavlov experiment on Dwight. Everytime he reboots his computer, he offers an altoid to Dwight in tune with the start-up sound. Dwight in response automatically holds his hand out absentmindedly for an altoid, ultimately looking like an idiot as Jim questions his outreached hand.

Dwight what are you doing?

I...I don’t know. My mouth tastes so bad all of a sudden.


6. Season 3, Episode 21 “Product Recall”

This $11 prank had us all laughing and obsessively quoting Jim to this day. After finding Dwight-style cheaters in a drug store, Jim puts together an entire Dwight ensemble and impersonates him as he walks into work. This prank only leads to both men storming away to the manager’s desk yelling “MICHAEL!”

“Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.


7. Season 6, Episode 1 “Gossip”

The employees of Dunder Mifflin are always in sync with popular trends, so it is no surprise when they decide to perfect the art of parkour around the office. Dwight, Michael, and Andy run around the office jumping off walls and chairs in parkour fashion. The interest ends when Andy’s attempt to jump from “trucks to refrigerators to dumpster..360 onto the pallets, backflip gainer to the trash can” ends in one jump into an empty box.

Extreme! Parkour!


8. Season 3, Episode 7: “Branch Closing”

In this opener, Dwight receives faxes with warning and advice from who he believes is “Future Dwight.” Really, it is Jim in Stamford finding a way to still mess with his Scranton faux.

Dwight, at 8 a.m. today, someone poisons the coffee. Do not drink the coffee. More instructions to follow. Cordially, Future Dwight.


9. Season 2, Episode 12 “The Injury”

In this exciting opener, Michael needs assistance after burning his foot on his George Foreman grill. While Ryan is reluctant to retrieve him, Dwight jumps to his aid and no one stops him despite Michael’s pleas. In his hurry, Dwight crashes into the telephone pole and damages his bumper, throws up at the realization and drives away loyally without it to help his boss and friend. What makes this episode even better is it is not just “one and done” but instead focuses on the happenings of that morning for the entirety, revealing Michael’s ignorance at disabilities and Dwight’s apparent concussion.

Dwight, you forgot your bumper!


10. Season 8 Episode 16 “After Hours”

After Pam has two children and Angela has one the two plus dog-owning Oscar participate in talks of parent-life: the good-stuff and the struggles. What none of them seem to realize is that they are all complaining about one another as well: Angela and Pam complain that Oscar deems himself a parent; Pam and Oscar complain that Angela lies about Phillip’s early achievements; Angela and Oscar complain that Pam always mentions having two children. Cue Andy’s ignorant raising-a-boat comment.



11. Season 2 Episode 22 “Casino Night”

When Dwight condescends Pam’s claim at being an expert at Roulette calling it a “game of chance,” Jim swoops in and says his mind control takes chance out of the equation. Dwight of course skeptical calls Jim out on this impossible feat; inviting the whole office to observe as Jim unsuccessfully uses mind control. To his dismay, the coat rack moves as Jim stares intently and Dwight is shook as he is unaware that Pam has an umbrella wrapped around the rack.

Roulette is not a game of skill, it is a game of chance.


12. Season 7 Episode 1 “Nepotism”

The employees of Dunder Mifflin in this opening scene band together to perform a lip dub to ‘Nobody But Me’ by Human Beinz. Not only is this a legendary beginning to an episode, but the start to season seven as a whole.

Ryan, we’re doing a dance!


13. Season 7 Episode 26 “Search Committee Part 2”

With Michael gone to Colorado with Holly, Jo Bennett has put a search committee together to a new manager. Until her trusted committee can do so, she declares Creed temporary manager due to his years at the company. This only makes the committee more frantic to come to a decision, as Creed has only proven his disqualification for the position.

BOBODDY! What does the first B stand for?

What are we doing?

We are making acronyms!


14. Season 5 Episode 12 “The Duel”

After Angela made a complaint about cars speeding by their office building, a radar gun was placed in front. The ever-competitive employees at Dunder Mifflin decide to record their speeds as they run by the gun, Dwight evidently beating Michael with a 13-second sprint (or, as claimed by Dwight, “jog”) through the street.

It’s actually caused a bit of a traffic hazard.


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