It may not have seemed like a defining trait when you first started dating, but as time went on the day suddenly came when you looked across at your partner and realized it clear as day: you're dating a cyclist.
Do you know how you can tell? Besides the thousands of dollar bike that they're always lugging around?
1. They will not shut up about getting you on a bike
The last time you have ridden a bike consistently was in elementary school, but that does not stop them from trying to persuade you to join them for an afternoon ride or two. You are nowhere near their skill level but they are just so desperate to include you in on their favorite hobby.
2. Half your wardrobe is actually their's... so half your wardrobe has a bike on it
No, I did not race in the 2012 Charlotte Winter Short Track Series, but it is my favorite bedtime shirt so that is why I have it. No I do not ride bikes.
3. You cannot afford anything on their Christmas/Birthday lists because it is literally all bike stuff
New chain, new tires, new helmet, new kits, new everything. You had no idea this sport was so expensive until the holidays roll around and you still have no idea why.
4. You have no idea how, but you suddenly realized you picked up a lot of cycling lingo
Long ago were the days where you had no idea what the difference between a road bike and a mountain bike were. You had no idea what 'bonked' meant, or how annoying it is when it happens, and Strava to you just sounded like a new Pokemon.
5. Their tan lines are actually worse than your's
And I thought my soccer tan lines were bad.
6. Packing for trips means packing all your stuff and then being yelled at because you didn't leave room for the bike
Also, they have probably mapped out a few trails to try during your time away and maybe even looked at the Facebook Swap groups for that area to see if they could snag a few deals for some new gear while they're at it.
7. It's not uncommon to come inside and seeing it propped up against an item of furniture
"It's too cold out," "It was raining a lot," "I don't want it to get stolen."
8. You've driven out to the middle of nowhere before to rescue them because they "bonked"
And it's usually in a place just out of cell service so you are wondering around the road trying to find signal to call for their exact location, or you never get it and just end up finding them sitting sadly on the side of the road a half hour later.
9. You're not allowed to do their laundry because you'll 'mess up their kits'
As you know from #3, they're more expensive then they look, so you happily let them grab the reigns for that operation.
10. Their sock game is on point and you secretly envy them
Besides all the cool t-shirts they get from events, their socks are probably the coolest thing they wear. It's also your favorite thing to buy them because of all the options.
11. You have never been more caffeinated in your life until you two started dating
What is it about cyclist and coffee??? Not complaining, but now I will never be able to kikc my caffeine habit...
12. The topic of them stealing your razor to shave their legs has been brought up at least five times
They insist that your razor has the closest shave and it will be the longest, and most passive aggressive, battle of your life of who now gets sole ownership of it.
13. If they race, the courses are almost always in the most obscure places that are nearly impossible to find
Even though you want to be there to support them, it's the biggest pain in the ass to deal with.
14. You've seen this stuff a thousand times but have never actually tried them
And always wonder if they actually work, or even taste good.
15. Seriously, they will not shut up about you getting a bike
To a point to where you eventually give in and go on one of their three hour rides. It may seem grueling, but the look on their face is worth it.
Despite all their quirks, you wouldn't change a thing about them because the bike just makes them who they are. And ultimately, why you love them.