Being in a big family means living a different experience. I grew up with my five siblings and we all have the same mom and dad. We are loud, crazy, and I love them. The more I get to know other people, the more I realize my family and experiences are different from people with fewer siblings.
1. When your family alone is the reason a place is busy.
At restaurants, they always have to pull up at least two tables together so we can all sit together. If the restaurant is already busy, we just go somewhere else. Also, if you see a crowd somewhere, it's probably just my family.
2. Counting to make sure everyone is present.
My mom and dad always counted everyone when we were sitting in the car to make sure we didn't leave anybody behind. We accidentally left my sister in the church bathroom once... maybe twice... but we remembered her a few minutes on the drive home and thus, we started counting before going anywhere.
3. Vans are life.
To fit into one vehicle, we had to drive in our big green van. I have so many fond memories of that van: the melted crayons we left in the car in the summer, finding snacks between the seats, squishing in to drive to vacations.
4. Ganging up on siblings.
We would play keep away from only one sibling. One time, we took my sisters blankie, running around the house throwing it to each other. After we got the blankie out of her sight, we stuffed it into the freezer. Another time, my twin and I decided to wrestle our other sister. Together, we yelled, "Twin attack!" and jumped on top of her.
5. Messing with each other endlessly.
Pranks were always happening. My brother was babysitting us and playing videos per usual, and it seemed like no matter what we asked him he would say yes. So, my twin and I whispered together and decided to ask him if we could go do drugs (our six year old selves thought it'd be funny to tell our parents that he said we could). We asked him; he said no without looking away from the screen.
6. The unspoken rule of competition.
We know that somebody is the best or the favorite, so we must find ways to prove we are the superior child. Board games we could unleash some of it. My mom eventually banned us from playing Monopoly because we got too competitive. We ripped several cards.
7. Everyone getting in trouble no matter who caused it.
We would get so loud, mom would just put us all in time out. If we argued or fought, who started it didn't matter; we'd all get in trouble. Why? Because there were too many stories and so it was too hard to know what had really happened. If somebody got away with something, well, it'd be anarchy.
8. Always having someone to bother and talk to.
Somebody is always around to talk to about anything. There's no shortage of confidants, counselors, audiences, or friends.
9. Sharing is a way of life, not an option.
Food, clothes, anything had been shared between my siblings. It's how I think about everything too. When people are struggling with not having something, I'll offer what I have or, worse, I'll offer other people's stuff. That's okay between my family, but uhh... not so much with other people. At restaurants if I or my siblings want two things, just get somebody to order it and you both get half of the other's. This is when I offer other people's stuff on accident... Sorry, I tried to give your food away.
10. Hand-me downs are your best friends.
At least half if not more of my clothes are hand-me downs. When I was a kid, same thing. It's so much cheaper!
11. "But they got to...."
When others got to do something, but mom or dad says you can't, use the good old puppy eyes and "but they got to..." Use the "it would be unfair" argument. Only works some of the time in part sometimes because of the next point.
12. Weird rules because of the elder's adventures
If my siblings got crazy and got hurt, guess who has weird rules that don't seem to make sense? The youngin's. My mom wouldn't let us climb on the banistar. Why? Because my brother would climb around on it and so my mom had to strictly point out that we weren't allowed to. We had the usual rules as well as rules my parent decided were neccessary because of our older siblings mistakes.
13. Buying EVERYTHING in bulk
Sam's Club... Need I say more.
14. Five friends you will hate and love forever.
Sometimes, we get mad at each other, usually for stupid reasons, but no matter what we're siblings and we love each other. Life without every single one of my siblings would be lonely and life as a child less exciting and unique. I love you guys with all my heart and thank you Mom and Dad for blessing me with five best friends that will always be there for me, no matter what.