The strong-jawed bassist is a heartthrob, there's no doubt about that.
1. When he was baby Cal.
Look at those cheeks and that cheesy little grin. He's such a little babe.
2. When he grew up to Cal Babe.
And then BAM! puberty hit him and he's very well aware of the fact that he's the boy your mother warned you about.
3. When he shows off his jawline.
His jawline is so sharp it could literally cut glass. *drools*
4. When he gives you "the smolder."
His smolder is so good he's the Aussie-Kiwi version of Flynn Rider.
5. When he looks this good in any lighting.
Of course, he could probably be in total darkness and still look this good.
6. When he hopes the fans like the new album and he's just so damn modest about it.
May my heart be still and may I not cry as I melt over how cute he is.
7. When he's a goofy little nugget playing the drums.
Clearly, this boy just has rhythm in his blood.
8. When he almost became a male model.
Move over Gigi and Kendall! Cal's coming to take over the runway.
9. When he does that little dance on stage.
And look at how happy he is about it. What a little nugget. What a little cute, dorky nugget.
10. When he's 127 percent in herp-derp mode.
I'm 127 percent good with it, too.
11. When he gets this excited about puppies.
I mean, how jealous are we of that little French bulldog. We all wish we were in his arms, and that he smiled like that when he held us.
12. When he is super into his singing.
There's nothing better in this world than passionate boys passionately singing. Nothing. Try to name one, I dare you. But you can't, because there is nothing better.
13. When he gets shy in front of the camera.
You shy little nugget, you. That's so cute. You're so cute.
14. When he shows off his dorky dance moves in the club.
He looks like an awkward dad trying to be cool in front of his kids, but someone give him brownie points for at least trying!
Basically, this kid can do anything and it's guaranteed to make us fall in love with him.