If you've seen "The Office," you have probably felt like all the characters at some point, whether it's how you feel about cats like Angela to how you feel about food like Kevin to how you feel about your friends and coworkers like Jim. Or of course, you could feel like Stanley, the person who's irritated by people and wanting to do his own thing. At some point during the day, you're probably Stanley. Or maybe today's one of those days where you wake up and know it's going to be one of those days.
1. When everything is going wrong and it's only 10 a.m.
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2. When you're having to deal with annoying people.
3. When your friends force you to come out but you don't want to.
4. When people are making you angry and you lash out.
5. When you're in class and not paying attention.
6. When there's free food.
7. When the workday has finally ended.
8. When you're on a diet and wanting dessert.
9. When you're supposed to socialize, but you don't want to.
10. While looking through your Facebook feed.
11. When you didn't get to take a nap like you wanted.
12. When you just want to shut down because of stress.
13. When you're actually having a good time and find things funny.
14. When everything is going right.
There's a part of Stanley that's in all of us. We might not care or be irritated most of the time, but there are times that make us happy. It might be when food is involved or when we're not working. Don't afraid to be Stanely because we can't all just be Michaels, Kevins, Creeds, Pams, Jims, or any other of "The Office" crew.