You might know him as, "that guy from Jurassic Park" or the "other guy from Independence Day". For you poor, unfortunate souls who don't really know who he is, Jeff Goldblum is an Oscar-nominated actor who began his craft in the mid-seventies. Since then, he's starred in film classics like, "The Big Chill", "The Fly", a few Wes Anderson favorites and yes, "Jurassic Park". (P.S. It was also recently announced that he'll joining the Marvel Universe in, "Thor: Rangarok"!) This tall drink of water just seems to get more attractive as the years go by. Bottom line, this silver fox has captured my daydreams for years, and if you don't feel the same way by the end of this, you're a monster.
(OK, you're not a monster, but you definitley have no feelings.)
1. That time he still looked like a rockstar, even when his face reached maximum contortion-level
2. When he made smoking a gross cigar look sexy
3. When being fancy af didn't faze him in the slightest
4. The time the excitement of an alien invasion was almost too much
5. When he sang about dinosaurs on late night TV
6. That other time on late night TV where you pretended he was talking to you
7. When you also pretended he was looking at you (probably for the first time)
8. When he gave us two reasons to be thirsty
9. The time he made you want to be a teacher
10. When he reached peak mustache
11. When he secured his place in Meme Heaven
12. When 2016 probably saw the biggest hike in apartment renting since ever
13. When we found the obligatory, food-related reason to adore him
14 .And when somewhere, out there, an internet genius made Sam Niell all of us
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