It's that time of year: Dodging everyone that's coughing and sneezing, stocking up on vitamin C and praying you don't catch anything. But then next thing you know, BAM! You're sick, too. Here are 14 thoughts we all have while we're sick.
1. *Sneezes* No no, I am not getting sick. I am not letting myself get sick.
2. *Wakes up with a sore throat and runny nose* Wonderful, just wonderful.
3. I guess I have an excuse to lay around all day.
4. I wonder if my mom will go get me ice cream.
5. Score! She said yes.
6. Great, I can't even taste it.
7. How many times can one person sneeze in a row?
8. I am a total mouth breather right now.
9. Time to coat my chest in VapoRub.
10. I should be conscious of my health and get better the natural way, but that NyQuil is sounding way too good.
11. I've already gone through two boxes of tissues.
12. *Goes into the bathroom* I look straight out of The Walking Dead.
13. I've been blowing my nose so much I think I'm starting to see brain in my tissue.
14. Time to curl up in the fetal position, goodnight world.
This is for all of those who are sick the first week of 2017. Feel better!